Friday, March 30, 2012

Some people have a green thumb...

I jumped on my reb0under, but not as much as I would like. The day I did it in front of the TV left me a little sore. I had breakfast and then went out to roll up as much packing paper as I could and stuff it in a paper bag. I put it out for recycling. I started a new batch of fermented coconut milk, and ate most of the previous batch. I washed a load of light-colored fabric. I watered my tomato plants and the suckers that I am trying to sprout. It was almost noon before the grass was dry enough to mow. I mowed in the back yard and in the front yard. I did not get as much done as I wanted, but more than I expected. Since the grass has now been mowed once, it went a lot faster. You may wonder why I am mowing when I have contracted the mowing to someone else. I just want it to be all the same height so all the parts will need mowing at the same time. I forgot to wear shoes when I did the mowing and my feet turned green. But I did wear my shoes to dig out pokeweed in the back. Then I came inside to practice my trombone and eat lunch. I carried my laptop downstairs to listen to while I iron. I noticed that the washer did not leak, but this time I had the drain hose in the clean-out pipe. I took the fabric out of the dryer and it had just the amount of dampness I wanted. While I was ironing, MaryAnn skyped me. She showed me her roses which were lovely. She said she only meant to talk for half an hour, but we talked for over 2. While I was finishing the ironing, Chris came home from work. I kept going, but eventually I realized that I wasn't going to finish tonight. So I went upstairs for a bit of supper and then came down to watch TV. BBT was on. Chris joined me for the last of it. Then we watched a few more episodes of NCIS, our latest checkout from the library. We could not renew B5 because we had already renewed it once. Can't wait to see those last two episodes though.
I washed my feet in the washbowl before going to bed. Sorry about the pic, but it was a slow day in the photojournalism world.

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