Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunday afternoon stroll

We got up about 9 and had plenty of time to get ready for church, especially since the choir director is on spring break so no need to show up early for warm ups. We had a guest pastor too since our regular one is on break. After church we stopped by Publix for groceries. I also got three packets of seed for the garden. Chris made eggs for lunch but I wasn't hungry yet. I changed my clothes and folded the laundry. Then took the lawn mower for a spin. Instead of working steadily for half an hour, it would stall in the tall weeds. After a few minutes it would start up again. Chris took me to Home Depot to get some plants. I got three tomatoes and a pepper. I did a little more mowing and then discovered poison ivy growing in the garden. I put on some rubber gloves and ripped it out. Chris suggested leaving it in the driveway to dry out and die. There was more of it near the driveway. But I pulled up all that I could find. Then I mowed a little more and did some weeding. I planted two of the tomatoes while Chris did the taxes. I started another batch of sprouts. I listened to another audio and then picked some dandelion for supper. Chris cooked the ground beef with a can of tomatoes. We had supper and I googled a map to see where Faye and I had driven while looking for the caverns. Turns out there are two county road 5's and two roads named College. Had we turned left off of 72, we would have found Fern Cave National Wildlife Refuge. When I finished my search, we went down to watch a few episodes of B5. And there ends the day.

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