Monday, August 13, 2012

Can't go far

I was having a dream where I was looking for a bathroom, but none of them were in working order. Then I woke up having to dash. But my foot wasn't having any of that. Seemingly the ice did not work. I did what I had to do and went back to bed. But I got up before Chris left and started reading e-mail. Later I had breakfast, still hobbling around. I sat in the recliner with a wet rag on my ankle and the heating pad turned up high. That lasted for 4 Sudoku puzzles. Then more e-mail. The skies were dark for awhile, and then the heavens poured forth. I stood just outside the door to watch the rain. Then I noticed the gutters were overflowing. Probably full of leaves. Now there's a job I don't want. There was no doing yard work in the rain and lightning. So e-mail was pretty much the order of the day. I wanted to Freecycle for a pair of crutches. But with my car in the shop I couldn't pick them up. Also, some of my friends are on Freecycle and I don't want them to know. I googled how to treat strained tendons. The advice was to alternate hot and cold. And to wear shoes with heels. Hmmm. I practiced my trombone for a change of pace. Around 5 I hobbled downstairs to put a load of unwashed fabric in the machine. Chris came home and cooked me some turnips, like Michele did. We had supper and went down to watch Sahara, our latest Netflix arrival. I brought a bag of ice and the heating pad. I did the ice pack first and then the hot pad. It felt good at the time, but when it was time to walk, the pain was incredible. Chris offered to carry me, but I find it scary.
* pic from Padukah *

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