Sunday, August 26, 2012

No wonder I can't sew

I think I got up at 8. I had breakfast and read e-mail until 10. I took a shower then woke up Chris. I dressed for church and tweezed my eyebrows. On the way out to the car I watered the mint. We went to church. My hands hurt so much that Chris had to hold the bulletin for me. I have been avoiding dairy products for that reason, but this must be due to something else. Passing the peace was a little painful, but it took my mind off of my ankle. After church we signed up to have our picture taken for the directory, then went to the grocery store. After shopping and putting the food away, we read e-mail. I went out to sunbathe and also watered more plants. I picked a few cherry tomatoes and some ground cherries. I listened to two audios on my laptop. One of them was Neale Donald Walsh, who wrote Conversations with God. It is a fascinating set of three books. I also worked several Sudoku puzzles. Chris made an outstanding pork roast for supper and I added a salad. I practiced my trombone, working up to playing the piece twice in a row. I talked to Faye. Then I called Dad. He couldn't hear me, so I gave up and went downstairs to sew. But he called me back, probably with his hearing aid adjusted. He passed me on to Mom. After talking to her, I spoke with Dad again. He says they are supposed to leave the hospital tomorrow, but the doctors keep thinking up new tests to run, even though her oxygen is good and her chest x-ray is clear. I checked e-mail one last time and then we watched episodes of MASH season 6.
* This is what my sewing room looks like as I try to assimilate one stash into the other. *

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