Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Primary mode of transport

It has been a good day. I don't remember it in order exactly, but then I rarely do. I rolled out to the den to read e-mail. I fixed breakfast. I listened to audios. I did Sudoku puzzles - I'm up to # 69. I swept the kitchen floor with a broom. Then I figured I could vacuum too, so I used the crevice tool and rolled around the house sweeping up dust where there was no carpet and the cord would reach. My foot was feeling better and I began using it to help push myself around. The afternoon was sunny, so I put on my bathing suit and sat out on the deck in the sun for a bit. Then I gave myself a sponge bath. I did not want to risk falling in the shower. I laid down in bed to put my foot up on pillows. I did some tapping and the swelling went down. I also fell asleep. I woke up to hear Chris walking down the hall. He asked if I could drive so we could pick up my car from the garage. I wasn't sure. He called the garage to make sure it was ready, and they offered to deliver it to our house. What a great deal! I sat in the recliner to use heat and then ice on my ankle. Actually both ankles since the left one is getting sore from hopping. Chris fixed me 6 turkey burgers which should last me the rest of the week. I called William to wish him a happy birthday. I did a few more puzzles. Chris brought the MASH DVD's upstairs so I could try them in the PS2 with the upstairs TV, but it didn't work. I guess it just plays CD's. I put a shoe with a heel on my right foot and worked my way downstairs. When Chris came down, we watched several episodes of MASH together. Then he helped me to the stairs and I made my way up.
He went to bed. But I want to mention the article he sent me. Yesterday while we were all oblivious, around 2:30, the population of the U.S. reached 314,159,265. That is 100 million times pi. That is literally pi for everyone.

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