Friday, August 31, 2012

Korea House

In spite of the hurricane which was supposed to bring us rain if nothing else, today, like all the other days of this week, was dry. It was supposed to be the wettest one of all. So I left the rug to continue drying at the entrance to the garage. I ate breakfast, read e-mail, and listened to audio interviews. After lunch I put on a sweatshirt, drank a glass of water and went out to water plants and rake leaves. The point was to sweat out toxins. But I found out that it was easier to sweat inside than outside. After about 20 minutes of sweating inside, I took a shower and put on fresh clothes. I didn't want to sweat any more, so I went downstairs to work on the piles of scraps covering my sewing table. As I sorted through them, I cut charm squares and ironed the strips flat for storing. Some future strip project will go quickly. I heard Chris come home at 4. Because it is a holiday weekend, he got 59 minutes off. I suggested we go out to eat. He asked where, and all I could think of was the Korea House restaurant. But it was too early, so I went back down and he fired up his laptop. Later I was so tired of being on my feet, that I laid down on the couch. He opened the door at the top of the stairs to say he was ready to go. So I exchanged my shorts for pants and we went. We did not know what to expect, just heard that it was good. Friday night turns out to be buffet night. It was certainly not romantic, but the food was fine. The kimchi was not as good as what I am used to, but every recipe is different. They did a good business there. Kimbap was on the buffet and we asked if they sell it separately. And they do. It was almost as expensive as at the other place. It was so much cheaper in Seoul, but they don't deliver. We bought a couple rolls anyway. When we got home, I put the kimbap in the frig, and Chris brought the rug in. It seemed to be dry. We watched MASH until 10 and he went to bed.
BTW, my hands did not hurt after eating cheese last night, so dairy is off the hook.

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