Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Don't they look good together?

I did not intend to get up early, but the guy next door started mowing his lawn at 6:30. That put an end to sleeping, so I got out of bed. Chris had not left yet. I did some exercising, fixed breakfast, listened to an audio, all the usual stuff. And I put a check in the mail. After breakfast, I took my laptop down to the sewing room. I set it on the washer while I took an old towel and made a backpack to fit it. That took up the space of another audio and it was time to plug it back in. I put a load of unwashed fabric in the washer. I had a bite to eat, then went out to sunbathe and do a little yardwork. When the washer was finished, I put the fabric in the dryer on 'damp', and went out to mow the lawn. When the dryer was finished, I carefully laid the pieces out on top of the washer. They needed ironing, but I was in the middle of yardwork. I tried cutting the grass between the surprise lilies with a pair of grass shears that we bought yesterday. I thought it would be easier than cutting the tall grass with a pair of scissors, but I was wrong. The blades don't seem to be close enough together and the grass bends between them. When I had had enough of that, I used the clippers to clean out most of the trumpet vine around the mailbox. I used the mower to cut the weeds growing around it. I also mowed in the ditch until the mower quit. I plugged it back in in the garage. I was hot and sweaty, so I had several glasses of cold water and read e-mail until I cooled off. Then I took a shower to get the chlorophyll off my feet, unsuccessfully. Kermit said it wasn't easy being green. Well, it is easier than trying to get the green off. Chris came home and changed his clothes. I dressed for the quilt meeting. We had some supper, and then he drove us to the dealership. I took a pic of him and his new car, then headed for UAH. The quilt guild met in the small room across the hall from the one that we normally use. And there were lots of us. Lisa brought me a new scoby. I brought her a jar of kimchi and some litmus paper. Deb started the meeting with show and tell. I showed my 4-fabric garden quilt. I guess they liked it because now I am supposed to present a block of it at every meeting. How do I get talked into these things? We were gifted special fabric gluesticks called Lapel Stick to see how we liked them. After the meeting, I drove home. Chris' new car was parked under the carport. He was sitting at his laptop. However, soon we were sitting together on the couch in front of the TV watching Warehouse 13 from Netflix, After two episodes Chris went to bed. Now it is my turn.

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