Saturday, October 5, 2013


I woke up about 7:30. I peaked around the curtain to see the sun. I checked my e-mail and went out to sit on the small back porch. A few other people came out to their porches, they were older people. One kid was playing down below. Chris got up and took a shower. Then he went to the motel restaurant for breakfast. I ate my packed breakfast with chopsticks since I forgot to bring a spoon. Chris came back with a plastic spoon for me. Chris was not feeling well, and asked me to feel his forehead. I did not detect a fever. After my shower, we went for a walk. I had no particular plan, just following my intuition. Should have had a backup plan for the no-plan plan. We found ourselves on the blue path with no idea how far it was. Some hikers came by who had a map. When Chris found out how far it was, he elected to go back. I went with him since I was wearing the wrong shoes and did not have my camera. Besides, it was like going with parents. Don't go there, you might slip, there could be spiders, nothing up there but a big rock, stay on the path, leave the tree alone, etc. Chris lay down in the room and took a nap. I read e-mail and did a meditation. I looked up biogeometry and found a very interesting discussion of the uses of the golden ratio and the Fibonacci series. While he was sleeping, I slipped out of the room with my room key, rugged shoes, my camera and phone. I went walking in the other direction. I came upon Gilliam loop and decided to follow it. I had forgotten the map. At the end of Gilliam Loop was Gillaim Trail, over 3 miles long. I followed it, too. At first I enjoyed it immensely. There were no rocks, only grasses, brush and trees. I picked up a stick to ward off webs, and climbed on nearly horizontal trees. But there were gnats and they thought I was the most interesting thing in the forest. The webs became more numerous and harder to see. When the trail crossed a dirt road, I turned off onto the road. It was obviously used. I hoped I was heading in the right direction. I found pink rock that crumbled easily and thought of calling my dad. After a lot of walking, I thought of calling Kurt to see if he could triangulate my position and tell me where I was. Enough walking brought me to the trailhead, as it was called. There was a paved road and I followed it. I took a break to lay on a park bench and watch the clouds change formation. Then I continued my walk until I saw the lodge and found Chris, waiting for me. We listened to another CD from the book. Then we dressed and went to dinner at the lodge restaurant. He had a reuben sandwich and I got the tilapia. On the way back, we stopped to talk to a foursome sitting outside their room. They were quite interesting conversationalists, and we stood talking for a long time. Then they went to dinner and we to our room. We read e-mail for awhile then finished the book on CD and went to bed.
*  This is my afternoon path and the tree that I climbed on  *
*  pics later  *

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