Thursday, October 17, 2013

Quilts from Gee's Bend

I got up at 9:30. I read e-mail, took out the recyclables, and emptied the dishwasher. I had to dry a few items. I washed sprouts, broccoli stems, celery, carrots and something else. I juiced them, drank the juice, cleaned it up, and made breakfast. I dove back into the e-mail and audios while I ate. I wrote a letter, and cleared some room in sewing room. I assembled three rows of sri yantra, but it was harder than I thought. It was 5:30, so I came up to cook broccoli in butter, soy sauce and water. I practiced trombone while it cooked. After I ate, I went to the guild meeting. When I dropped off my orange strips, I found my bag of red strips from last month. I also turned it the fish quilt top. The program was a presentation of Gee's Bend quilting and a QnA with a Gee's Bend quilter. Hearing that they make their quilts from recycled clothing, I was able to make sense of the odd shapes they use.  This particular lady shops at thrift stores to get the colors of clothing she wants.  She donated a small piece to our guild.  I wonder if Chris would let me take his old shirts and make something similar.  When I got home, I almost tripped over 2 big boxes in the carport. I investigated with a flashlight and decided they were for the man across the street. Chris and I took the letter (from 2 days ago) and rang their doorbell, but no one answered, except the dogs. We left the letter on his windshield with a note about the boxes. I asked Chris to carry my embroidery machine upstairs to the guest room, and he did. Then we watched two episodes of Forever Knight. He looked up the familiar-looking people on IMDB and then he went to bed. I stayed up only long enough to post to my blog, which meant transferring the pics from my camera to the laptop and then cropping them to fit the quilts.

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