Thursday, October 24, 2013

Another day without touching the floor

I woke up hearing Chris go outside to blow his nose. I was hoping to get up, but couldn't quite manage to transfer my upper body weight from my hands to my back. Then something happened that needed to happen that hadn't happened since Monday. Just FMI. I listened to audios and read e-mail. At least I won't have that to catch up on when I finally get out of bed. I did some tapping with a video, then thought to call the doctor in Pinehurst that originally prescribed muscle relaxers. But his secretary said he would absolutely not prescribe even one without an appt. I tried the drug store, and they were no help. So I called the dentist and told the receptionist that I had a problem with my capped tooth. She suggested it was an abscess and to see an endodontist. I asked for a muscle relaxer so I could get out of bed to attend an appointment, but all she could offer was an antibiotic for the tooth. I declined. I did a Sudoku puzzle, or two. I called the organist to apologize for not showing up. She said Melody could play by herself if I couldn't make it on Sunday. I called Bertha to see if she had any muscle relaxers, which she did not, but she suggested someone who might. I called but there was no answer. I saw Kurt get on skype so I chatted with him for awhile. I did an internet search on abscesses, and one on otc muscle relaxers. One was named Skelaxin, which I remember being prescription. Chris went to the drug store to get it, but they were closed. Then he went to bed, and I stayed up to hear another audio and maybe some medtations.
*  from the quilt show  *

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