Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Things are looking up, literally

I did not post for Tuesday because it ended badly. I thought I was doing better in the afternoon, and I read a book. But in the evening the pain multiplied and I could barely breathe. My pain med has expired so it doesn't always work. It was a long night. Chris offered to call an ambulance, but I did not feel well enough to be moved. I wondered if someone somewhere was sticking pins in a Fern doll.
Wednesday was better. I watched episodes of season 3 of The Quilt Show which I have been meaning to watch ever since I got the DVDs at Paducah in April. The only downside was that it inspired me to sew and I couldn't. The pills I took were good ones and the pain wasn't so bad. I had to call the church to tell them I wouldn't be at practice. Pastor said really nice things about the pulpit cloth which had been hung already in preparation for Sunday. By the evening I was able to almost sit up, but then Chris said something funny and the resulting spasm put me back in bed. But it did not erase all the progress I made today. Just the fact that I can type is proof that things are looking up. Maybe it is better that I don't look up because there is a large roach on the wall. Chris!
*  This shows the 6 outer rows of Sri Yantra.  I am eager to get back to it.  *

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