Monday, October 7, 2013

Quilting cut short

It was cool this morning when I got up. I started to think my days of laying in the sun and walking barefoot in the grass might be numbered. I came out to boil water, and start e-mail. Chris got up a bit later. I did only some of my exercises since my back was still feeling a little stiff, then juiced kale, and sprouts, and broccoli. That was followed by breakfast. I folded some laundry, and packed a lunch. I put a few projects in my sewing box and wheeled my cart to the car. I drove to the church a little after 11. Mirna and Laurie were not there, but I did get to see Doris. She approved the quilt label I made for her. Roberta made lunch for us all. She had salad and ravioli. She made the birthday cake, too. I heard it was very good. I worked the wonky block quilt for Linus. Maryann got her one-block wonder all together, and was thinking about borders. Carolyn had her kiddie quilt at the same level of completion. Jody showed the coat she made for her daughter's wedding and had pictures of that event. Bertha invited me to join her on Wednesday to hang quilts for the quilt show. One by one the ladies left early. So I was packed up and home by 3. I swept the porch and mowed the lawn inside the fence. I clipped down the tall yellow flowers that had gone by. I got several splinters in my hands for my efforts. I found a ripe tomato in the garden and ate it. I then read e-mail until after 5, and fixed a salad for supper. I ate it outside. I looked up Tutankhamen to see how much of the book on CD was fact, and how much was made up as story line. Then I watched part of the 1st DVD of Donna Eden's Energy Medicine. When Chris was ready to watch TV, I paused it to join him downstairs. We saw two episodes of Inspector Morse. I think we'll be heading off to bed soon because Chris has to work tomorrow.    (yes!)
*  This is the view looking away from Desoto Falls  *

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