Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October Modern Quilt Guild Meeting

Chris went to work at his usual time. I slept in until 9. I read e-mail, exercised and folded laundry. I juiced some kale and celery to drink. The rest of the kale I put in water to rehydrate because it was so wilted. Since it was sunny, I put on my bathing suit and laid out. After that I made breakfast. I listened to an audio while I ate. I put together a Swansons order since I ran out of walnuts unexpectedly. I made up six days of supplements to see what else I might need. I took pics of quilts I have already made and some in progress so I can have pics made at the local drug store. One top was nowhere to be found and I had to search high and low for it. Finally it was time to leave for the farmer's market. But when I got there, the lot was empty. I guess the season is over. On the way back, I stopped at the lodge where ladies were collecting quilts for the show this weekend. I turned in my three. Then I went to Hobby Lobby which was nearby to get more of the green that goes with the pandas. It also goes with so many other things. Of course, while I was there, two other fabrics caught my eye. When I got home, instead of clipping the corners of the fabrics, I sewed across them with tiny stitches. I am wondering if that will cut down on the fraying in the wash. I also cut a piece of denim for Rebecca who wants to make a rug like mine. I went through the last month of my blog to see what I have worked on. Based on that, I assembled three things for show-and-tell tonight: the rug, the pulpit cloth, and the fish quilt top. I took a shower. I found the missing quilt top and stitched the few open seams. Chris came home from work while I was sewing. I fixed a large salad for supper and ate it while talking to Chris. Then I took my show-n-tell items and went to the guild meeting. It was poorly attended. Maybe 6 ladies? The meeting was short because several people were not there to give their reports. Bertha called during the meeting to set up a time to meet tomorrow to hang quilts. I was home before 8. I checked e-mail and listened to short audios while Chris finished what he was doing so we could watch TV. We saw several episodes of Forever Knight, then went to bed.
*  This is Deb's Urban Nine Patch  *

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