Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Adult Wednesday

I went to bed late and had trouble sleeping. So when the alarm rang, I ignored it. It was 9:30 when I got to the kitchen, however I had been up looking for something under the bathroom sink. I did not find it, but I did find things to rearrange or throw away. I looked outside and at first, I thought the sun was really bright on the grass, but then I realized that it was a dusting of snow. I put out my rain collection tub. I turned on the router and started my daily routine. The snowfall increased. I put h2o2 on my cut and changed the bandaid. Temp looked to be around 32. The sun came out and the snow melted while I was finishing up my exercises. I rinsed my sprout seeds. My phone rang during detox, so I let it take a message. Afterward, I checked and it was Mirna saying the walnut order would be in on Monday. I juiced sprouts and green leafy veggies and two apples. I ate some of the pulp for fiber. It was much better than yesterday. But it was later, too. So instead of cleaning it all up, I hurried to pack my gym bag and go to the sauna. On the way I saw a license plate that read “0 gas”. It wasn't a Prius, it was a Nissan Leaf. Interesting. I went on post to the sauna, arriving at 2:20. I stayed until just after 4. I tried the steam room, but it was not that hot and only slightly damp. I walked outside with wet hair and nearly froze my head. When I got home, I ate some liver and onions with hummus. Then I remembered breakfast, so I made that. I read through e-mail. I changed clothes and went to church. Cecelia gave me a book of quilt designs that she'll never use again. Five women showed up for practice. Cecelia asked me to sit with her during the service. Mr. Cox wasn't there yet, so I did. Jennifer brought me the essential oils that I had ordered. During the service my phone rang. I thought it might be Parker but shut it off. After the service I followed Art into a side room to see what he does with the offering. Basically he counts the cash and then takes everything else home to count and record. On the way out, I shook hands with our intern. She asked me about my comment on her sheet. I went home and found out that Dad called me. So I returned his call and helped him find a photo that I had e-mailed him almost two months ago. I type-skyped with Chris. When Dad was done, I called Chris and we had some face time. He had a much bigger ash mark than I did. I was going to clear a few last e-mails, post, and go to bed. But Michele had posted an Adult Wednesday video from Youtube, and then I had to watch them all.
* Wednesday is the daughter from the Adams family, all grown up and creeping people out. *
* This is my never-ending triangle block project ready for chain-stitching *

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