Sunday, February 8, 2015

An end to my self-imposed exile

I got up at 9:15, after praying for a rousing thought, a reason to get up. I wasn’t back to normal and so not sure if I was going to church after all, but I still needed to get up. I saw the dishwasher sitting open to dry, so I put all the clean dishes away. I took a shower and put in earrings. I was congested and knew it would clear up, but I wanted that to happen before church. So I boiled water and saturated a towel in the sink. I shook a bottle of peppermint oil over it, but could not smell the mint, so I didn’t know if any came out. I did it twice to get to a point where I felt well enough to go to church. There wasn’t time for breakfast and I missed the choir warm-up. There was just enough time to greet a few people and relax in the pew before the service started. Jennifer gave me the music before the service so that when the choir went up for the anthem, I was able to sing with them. It was scout Sunday, so a young girl scout read the old and new testament readings, and a cub scout did the canting for the psalm. He was so adorable. Later they collected the offering and for communion, brought up the elements and arranged the altar rail and kneelers. They did such a good job. After the service, I put a can of beans in the food pantry. Jennifer gave me more music for the upcoming Sundays and a sample size bottle of essential oil mix called ‘Breathe’. I tried to put the cross from Honduras in the cross wall basket, but that table had been commandeered for the chili cook-off. I put it back in my purse and drove to Publix. I got what groceries I could think of. I hid two $1 bills, one near the cans of beans and one in produce. When I picked up my purse to allow the bag boy to roll my cart out, there was the bar of 90% dark chocolate. So we stopped at customer service for me to pay for it. Then we took the groceries out and put them in my car. When I got home, I carried them in in two trips. I had to change my shoes for the second trip because the new black ones were falling off my heels. After putting the veggies away and leaving the cans of coconut milk (still no organic ones) in the bag, I checked e-mail and made breakfast. I watched short videos on ‘Philosphers Notes’, where Brian reads self-help books and summarizes the main points. I looked up essential oils for infected teeth for someone else. The Sudoku puzzle for this weekend was labeled ‘evil’, but it wasn’t. I finished it and then went outside to clip monkey grass. It was over 60 but overcast. I checked e-mail again. I texted with Kurt through Skype. I watched more Philospher’s notes videos. I stripped the bed and washed two loads of laundry. I meditated. Then Kurt called from the grocery store, but the call got dropped. My phone was low so I recharged it. I took out the garbage. I was reading about pyroluria when Chris skyped me. Then Kurt called. So when I hung up with Chris, I called Kurt. His phone was not having a good day. He ended up skyping me. I finished my laundry in the dryer. I ironed some of the fabric. The pieces from Honduras were nice and soft coming from the dryer, but when I ironed them, they became stiff again. I don’t think they are cotton after all. I took the sheets upstairs and put them on the bed. I put the covers back on, too, but somehow they ended up in a different order. I posted to my blog and went to bed. I’ll worry about the covers tomorrow.
* I didn't take any pics today so here is one from Honduras. *

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