Monday, February 2, 2015

Still not well

Before I went to bed last night, I realized I had some unfinished business on my computer. I composed and sent two e-mails, attaching pictures to one of them. Then I ran the dishwasher and went to bed. But I could hardly breathe through my nose and that made it a long night. I tapped, I prayed, I sniffed each of my essential oils, I tried breathing outside, I brushed my teeth with baking soda and sipped vinegar. But nothing worked. Eventually I did sleep, and woke up hearing the alarm, and feeling a dry spot in my throat where the bit of air coming in my nose was irritating it. I stayed in bed for over an hour after the alarm went off. I got up to see if I had gained back any of the weight I had lost. I hadn’t and it occurred to me that I was back to my pre-engagement weight. I really really wanted to go to the Monday group. I’ve missed them a lot. But I don’t want to be responsible for making any of them sick. So I stayed home again today. I made hot water, to drink tea. I meditated, swished and tapped. I boiled all my toothbrushes. I read e-mail, and watched videos on tapping for congestion, followed by videos on lymph massage to drain the sinuses. I did another vitamin C facial, then made breakfast. I also ate the last piece of fish. I watched an episode of TQS, and then took a shower. The day was sunny but too cold to go out and enjoy it. I checked e-mail again. I did Sudoku puzzles until I caught up to today. I was going to go to the grocery store then but decided to go at 7 thinking there would be fewer people there. So I watched the last episode of X-Files, timed to end at 7. You could not have paid me to be in that episode. It was full of roaches. Then again, Fox was shirtless in one scene... The episode involved an entomologist who thought UFO’s were alien insect swarms, and a scientist who thought the future of space exploration was robotic insects. To top it off, the methane plant exploded just as Fox and Dana ran out. They were caught by debris. The sheriff told them to get some rest because they looked pooped. Har, har. Just as it ended, Chris skyped me. He could only talk for a limited time because he had to go to the office for an interview for a job in Korea. He suggested I use a neti pot for congestion. I can’t get over putting water up my nose. Only a roach would be worse. After he hung up, I laid on the floor for a while. Then I started eating some hot peppers. It went well at first, but then my mouth caught on fire. I drank water. I went out to get the mail. While I was out, I picked some kale and chickweed. I washed it and ate it when I came in. Then I opened the mail. There was a valentine card from MaryAnn. And a credit card bill. I e-mailed the bill to Chris. I found six eggs in the fridge and an onion in the cupboard. I cut up the onion and browned it in a pan. I took most of it out and put two eggs in. I found some leftover cheese to throw in, too. It did not look like much when I finished, but it was hot and healthy and I ate it. I also put some quinoa in a jar to soak overnight for tomorrow. And I took a package of brussels sprouts out of the freezer to thaw. I wrote up my blog notes for the day, and checked for new e-mail. I wrote the dental implant notes in an e-mail to Dad. But it was too late to call him to tell him to look for it. I washed the frying pan and went to bed.
* this is a pic I took with my tablet from the plane as it was landing in Huntsville. *

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