Monday, February 23, 2015

Invoices and Estimates

Last night I sent a message to the contractor asking for estimates, and I sent a message to the packing people. Then I went to bed late, still tapping. I got up at 12:45am when I remembered that the sprouts needed their watering. I had a hard time getting to sleep. I wanted my mother but she didn't come.
I woke up at 8 when the alarm sounded. I stayed in bed until the phone rang. It was the packing company. They said someone would call to pick up the headboard and they would check on the lack of proper packing. I exercised and swished and checked e-mail. There were several from the contractor but none from Parker. Then I called the carpet installation company. The man said he would call Parker to ask about the installation date. Then he switched me over to the front desk who switched me to 'flooring' but those people never picked up. I called back. The lady who answered tried to help me determine if we had paid to have the old carpet removed. She did not think we did, even though we paid $600 for installation. Parker said we had gotten the $35 special. So I asked to talk to the flooring dept again, but never got through. They were supposed to call me back. The contractor sent me his estimates. I printed out his last invoice and the estimates. I had a hard time getting the size right, so wasted a bunch of ink. Then I sat on the floor to compare and write notes to myself for when I call him. Some things he did didn't make sense in light of what he proposes to do. Parker still hadn't called. I juiced a very large English cucumber. By itself it made two cups of juice. I tried to meditate but was too upset. I kept thinking that a plastic bag over my head would solve all my problems and then I could be with my mom. But all my bags have holes in the bottoms. I made and ate breakfast hoping it would help me feel better. I checked e-mail as I ate. I checked the invoice again and decided I would rather be quilting. I called to see if quilting was still on today. It was, so I got dressed and checked e-mail one last time. There was a message from Parker in which she defended herself with how hard she works and how she needs time for her family too, etc. So instead of leaving, I sat to think and compose my response: basically a list of questions and concerns. Then the moving company called to say they could come over to pick up the headboard. I said tomorrow would be better. Then I went quilting, taking only the handsewing project. I took Chris' car. I did fairly well, except for stopping at the light in 3rd, and forgetting to go back to 1st to make the turn when the light turned green. When I got to the church, there were only three ladies. Apparently I just missed the rest. I needed to vent and they let me. They were very sympathetic which was what I needed. They also said to get another agent. I worked on my project, finishing three sets of five. One of the preschool classes came in to parade around in their George Washington hats. They were so cute! At 4:30 we packed up and left. When I got home, I saw Denise had called, so I called her back. I asked if she would read Parker's e-mail and give me an opinion. I brought in the mail which held two bills. I prepared sweet potatoes to go in the oven. I wanted to put the onions in too so I wouldn't have to cook any more this week. I looked up baking onions, and all the recipes called for 400 or 425. But I figured if sweet potatoes could bake at 350, so could onions. And I threw in garlic cloves just for giggles. Parker had sent me several other messages and the g-mail conversation feature had mixed them all up. So I looked through the long list trying to find what was new. She insisted that Lowes had given us the $35 installation, but when I did the math, it did not appear so. And there were clues on the receipt she had e-nailed me, not to mention the lady I talked to this morning said outright that we were charged $600+ for installation. So I composed a response about that. Chris and I skyped. He showed me how to turn off the G-mail conversation feature. He went to bed. I took the potatoes out and cooked the onions some more. Denise called back to give her opinion. Like the ladies at quilting, she did not think we should put a lot of money into renovation because people will have their own ideas about what they want. I did some tapping to the latest Brad Yates video. Jennifer sent me an e-mail reminding me that the EFT summit started tonight. I forwarded Parker's e-mail string to my Yahoo account so I could weed out all the filler. But it wasn't all there. For a bit of escapism, I was going to watch the X-Files Dvd from Netflix, but it was cracked and would not play. I requested a replacement and put the old one back in the mailer.

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