Thursday, February 12, 2015

One year old kambucha

Eating the fig last night did not put me to sleep. It seemed like the night went on forever. Then I let go of the grounding wire and sleep finally found me. I heard the alarm go off at 8. I got up to lay on the guest bed because of the sun hitting it. About 9 I got up to check the time, and to collate the recyclables. I took something downstairs and ended up cutting more diamonds for the hexecontehedron. I also cut some batting diamonds. When I came back up, I folded laundry and swished. I found my computer had rebooted in the middle of the night to update Windows. I swear I have automatic updates turned off. Since the router was off, how did it do that? Anyway, I listened to another gut audio (fibromalagia) as I exercised. Then I juiced, adding an apple to make up for the kale taste. I also made and ate breakfast. I drove to the Thursday group in Chris' car. All I brought was my hand project, but it was enough because I talked to ladies there to catch up. Pat agreed to teach me how to knit dish cloths so I promised to bring my cotton yarn and needles next week. Before three I drove home. The neighbors mail was in our box, so I walked it over to his house. I listened to another audio, this one on fermented foods. I investigated several jars of kambucha in the back of the cupboard and found one still good ( in a really strong way!). I auditioned some fabrics with the DGS blocks. It was pretty darn cold out there in the garage. I cut more batting diamonds and glued them into 'sandwiches' ready for sewing. I listened to another audio on bacteria in the gut. There was a meditation on wealthy thinking so I listened to that and fell asleep. It was supposed to be 25 minutes long but it seemed to be over in no time. I waited for Chris to skype, but did not hear the sound when he did. Then I waited for him to check in online for his plane trip tomorrow. I plugged my laptop back in, and made a salad for supper. We talked for a while until the call got dropped for some reason. Then he called me on the phone to say he needed to go to bed and get up really early. I ate a sweet potato. Then I checked the pics I took of the fabrics I auditioned. I decided which one I wanted, and went downstairs to iron it in preparation for cutting. But there was no room on my cutting table, so I had to finish all the cutting for the pokey sphere (as one lady put it at quilting today). After I cleaned up all those pieces, it was late, so I came up to blog and go to bed. I have a bit of a head ache. Maybe that kambucha wasn't so good after all.
* This is the quilt Annie is working on. *

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