Saturday, February 21, 2015

Choosing my words carefully

I thumbed my nose at the alarm and slept until 9. The snow had melted and it was raining lightly. The windstorm had blown down the thermometer. I added water to the seeds that soaked over night. I swished and took my pre-breakfast supplements. Then I rinsed the seeds and set them to sprout. I had two more batches: one in a plastic sprouter and one in a sprouter bag. I checked e-mail. I came across a Quora question and answer about the North Korean water park, so I had to look it up. I thought the people in the pictures looked cold. I could tell by their tans that they were used to working outside with a shirt on. Internet Explorer had magically fixed itself and was running just fine, but it had closed my windows, one of which I may not get back. I exercised, and juiced carrots, sprouts and celery. I ate some of the pulp for fiber. I brought in the rain water and filtered it to use for soaking sprouts. I made and ate breakfast. I tried writing a really honest e-mail to Parker, but sent it to Chris who thought it sounded antagonistic. I ran the dishwasher and then emptied it. Chris and I sent the e-mail back and forth as we tweaked it. I watched a video on gov't with big business in financial and agricultural business. I called Denise to get her opinion on how to handle the e-mail to Parker. Her husband was strongly in favor of giving the agent notice of termination. I put in a load of laundry, and got some rain water from a bucket outside for the indoor plants. I wondered if it would be too cold for them, but I watered them with it anyway. I mulled over the e-mail in my mind. I ate liver and onions for supper, and did another load of laundry. I sewed sashing strips onto the DGS blocks, wondering how I am going to get the February blocks done before March, and vowing not to sign up again to volunteer a block. I hoped the lady in charge would let me donate the top to Comfy Quilts so someone else can quilt it. I came up to check on Chris. Not enough people showed up to the game so he was working on taxes instead. To help him, I looked up stuff in the checkbook, e-mail receipts, paper receipts, credit card statements etc. and sent what I could find for charity and health care. After much searching, I concluded that I had done all I could I checked e-mail and then we skyped briefly. We hung up when I realized how late it was.
* This is our raffle quilt for 2015 *

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