Thursday, February 19, 2015

Quilt blocks made from steel

When I went to bed last night my back was really hurting and I did not know why. I wondered if I would be able to get up in the morning. I did some tapping so I could fall asleep. When I woke up, it seemed later than it was. I was just barely able to get out of bed and get to the bathroom, and then I went back to bed. Later, getting up was easier. And it still wasn't 8 am. There was no snow, but the thermometer showed less than 20. I turned on the router, swished and soaked my seeds for 5 minutes. I started my exercises. Some of them I could not do. I listened to an audio and checked e-mail. I juiced and drank a cucumber, some leafy greens, and some sweet peppers. Denise called to say she was back from the funeral in Texas, and she wants to get together sometime. I made and ate breakfast. Then I went to Stitch-Its. Pat showed me how to knit a washcloth and Marjory laughed at me the whole time. Apparently I knit left-handed although I can knit right handed, but in either case, the yarn is in my left hand so... she told me to crochet it. Marjory lent me her little Ott-lite and I thought I should have one of my own. They reminded me of the guild meeting tonight. I am not sure when I left, but by 2 I was home and eating lunch. I looked at many versions of Ottlites online. I found a magnifying lamp on Amazon and added it to my cart for future reference. Then Mirna called to make arrangements for delivery of the walnuts and payment. I worked the Sudoku puzzles for this weekend while sitting in the sun. then I watched an episode of TQS. When it ended, I changed my shirt and bundled up against the bitter cold. I took Chri's car to guild. I stopped three times in the first intersection before I realized that I was still in third gear. The rest of the trip was uneventful compared to that. When I got there, Pat gave me a dishcloth that she had already made. But she said I still had to make one of my own. I talked to Jodie at the comfy quilt station. There was quite the stack of donated quilts. For the meeting I sat with Rebecca. I still helped Jodie show off the Comfy quilts. I took a pic of the raffle quilt for this year. The lady in charge challenged everyone to sell 100 tickets. After the meeting, we had a speaker who was the owner of the Steel Quilt Company. He makes quilt blocks out of steel from barns he demolished. A number of ladies went forward to buy one after his presentation. On the way out of the parking lot, I headed uphill. I shifted to 2nd and then to 3rd like I always do, but for some reason the car went so slowly, and then quit. I had to restart it before I got to the top. There were impatient people behind me. But I did not drift back. This time I stayed in 2nd until I got over the hill. When I got to the light to turn left, for some reason that did not go well either. I did not have to stop, but downshifted from 6th to make the turn. I was ok after that. When I got home, I contacted Chris on skype, but there was no response. Then I e-mailed him and he e-mailed back that he was having trouble with his computer. We talked for half an hour, during which I made and drank two cups of hot dandelion root tea. Then I checked e-mail, and downloaded my pics to the laptop. I did some tapping based on one of the e-mails. When I noticed how late it had gotten, I posted to my blog with every intention of going to bed.

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