Saturday, February 28, 2015

A really good day

I heard the phone alarm but stayed in bed. I was recovering from a dream in which I was holding on to the bumper of a boat and being pulled to a floating pier where slavers bought women. When I realized where we were going, I let go and started swimming to shore. The driver followed me. I screamed for help, but it was far too quiet. I tried again and again as he got closer and closer. Finally I woke up, knowing that I had been fighting the mechanism in the brain that keeps people from acting out what they are dreaming about. Was it good or bad that there was no one to hear me?
I got up about 8:30. The seeds did not look so good. So I got some rain water from the fridge and soaked them with that. When the broccoli and sunflower seeds were soaked, I used that water for the peas. Everything looked better after that. I speculated that it was the tap water that killed the second batch of broccoli. I put out some Terro for the ants. I hated to have it on my diningroom table, but the ants had to go. I swished and checked e-mail. I got a message from Parker saying the contractor had accepted our offer with a few minor changes. Mirna called to say she'd be over with my order of walnuts. I got dressed. I swallowed 6 frozen oil capsules. I exercised and listened to some tapping audios. Mirna dropped by with 10 lbs of organic walnuts. I filed a pile of bills. I blended pumpkin seeds and papaya seeds and ate that. I tapped and did the Tuesday sudoku puzzle. I stopped the tapping audio to vacuum. Did it get so bad because I cleaned without my glasses on? Hopefully I swept up whatever the ants were after. I resumed the audio while savoring a packet of Vitamin C. I picked up sticks in the yard because it was such a nice day. I swore I could smell daffodils, but I could not find any in bloom. I juiced most of a package of kale along with an apple and two carrots. I ate the apple and carrot pulp. I went back outside to rescue the rainwater trapped over the kale bed. I poured it through a coffee filter, figuring if it wasn't clean enough for me, I could still use it to soak the sprouts. I brought the first batch in. I went out to rescue some from the tub in the driveway. But it was dirtier. I 'rescued' the mail. There was a card from Chris. It was a nice surprise. I made and ate breakfast and finished the audio, and started another one. I finished that audio, and noticed that the ants were not interested in the Terro. I stacked the dishwasher and ran it. I ran the rain water through the coffee maker in batches. I ate some dark chocolate with dates, and smooshed ants with my finger. Michele skyped me and we had a very nice chat. Her job is over and soon she flies to Finland to visit a friend before moving to Northern Va. I started reading quotes on Pinterest, and then Chris skyped me. As we talked, I worked on the hexecontehedron. Then he had to check on his laundry so we hung up. I read some more quotes, not sure why they were so compelling. And then it was time to soak the seeds and go to bed.
* This is Shelley's quilt. She is a breast cancer survivor and I think these are signature blocks that the guild did. *

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