Monday, February 16, 2015

We need a little heat today

Just before I went to bed last night, I remembered to take the jars of canned tomatoes from the garage and put them in the basement so they wouldn't freeze.
I got up with the phone alarm this morning. I called the Tuscaloosa courthouse even though I had verified yesterday that today was a state holiday. The message system said they were open except for city holidays. I was able to contact a lady who blew it off as a wrong number and said she'd remove it from the system. I went back to bed, and then realized I was really angry about receiving such a call in church on a Sunday when there is no one at the call back number to explain.
I checked e-mail and swished and exercised. I saw a video on Youtube that bashed swishing with coconut oil and promoted swishing with powdered wheat grass. I juiced most of a bag of kale. It did not make much juice but tasted bad. I added two small apples, a zucchini, and a carrot. And a host of powders. It still did not taste good, but that was never the point. I cleaned up but did not throw the pulp out because it was too cold and raining. I made breakfast and ate it. I watched some more 'short' videos, then got dressed and put out my rain tubs. I rolled my sewing stuff out to Chris' car. I drove to the church and was surprised to see how few ladies were there. For the first hour I did not get much done. I explained about getting called to court. One lady did not understand why I would be so worried, but the others understood. Bertha showed me her 'hot' quilt that I have been drooling over for some time. Once the binding is done it will be finished. I worked on the triangle quilt for Renegades. When we packed up to leave, I had 59 triangle blocks. What a chore and a bore! But the pattern calls for 70, unless I cut some in half. I wish it said what size to trim the blocks to. Anyway, it was nice talking to Lauri and Carolyn. When I got home, it was still raining. And cold. But not quite freezing. I was glad I did not have anywhere I had to go. I ate some kimchi, and then a mixture of leftover quinoa and beef with tomatoes. I made up supplements for the week. Chris skyped me. He said he had had several beers, but I did not find him as voluble as in the past. I listened to a tapping audio, and had some saffron/mango tea. I listened to another audio while sewing on the hexecontehedron (Spell check doesn't like that word.) I brought in my rain collection tubs and filtered the water through a coffee filter and then through the coffee maker itself. There was ice on the steps. I got several gallons. The process was interspersed with tapping videos by Brad Yates. And then it was time to blog and go to bed.
* This is Bertha's 'hot' quilt. Those colors just sizzle! *

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