Tuesday, February 17, 2015

My project is taking shape

My bladder got me up at 7:15. Then I went back to bed. I got at up 8 with the alarm. I turned on the router. I checked the temp – it was 20 and did not look icy outside. I soaked some broccoli seed in rainwater in my sprouter. I put on jogging pants and my Korea parka to put the Netflix DVD in the mail. It was icy outside and lightly snowing. I drank water with oregano and clove oils in it. I checked e-mail and answered a few. I played an audio. I exercised, and swished twice: once with coconut oil and once with tooth powder herbs. I listened to an audio on getting things done while I was sewing. I juiced two apples and a carrot. I ate the pulp and choked on it for some reason. Then I juiced kale and kale sprouts, and a squash. It was ok at first, but then turned so strong that I couldn't finish it. I listened to another audio while sewing, and then made breakfast. After eating, I felt too somnolent to do anything. It reminded me of lunch at Crestar. I never did figure how what caused it. Finally I got up enough energy to walk to the mailbox. Then I sewed until I felt energetic enough to go for kimbap. When I got to the Asian store, I picked up sprouts, but then there was no kimbap at checkout. She said she did not think enough people would come by so come back tomorrow. On the way home, I stopped for gas. I was surprised how cheap it was. When I got home, the blue cover on the kale was askew, so I tried to straighten it. It had frozen in the rain from yesterday, so was hard to move. Someone had written “Fay” on it. I took my vitamin C. I watched a video of “We are the World, which was suggested in an e-mail since it was done 30 years ago. There was a tapping script at the end of the e-mail. It got me started on a deep issue and I tapped until I nearly fell asleep. I rinsed and drained the seeds. It was time to cook the liver and onions and I realized that I did not know how exactly. I did not want to look it up on the internet because I would get sidetracked, so I looked in my cookbooks. Not a lot on that subject. One recipe recommended slicing up two onions thinly and frying them. It crossed my mind that if I put a plastic bag over my head, it would protect my eyes from the sting of the onions. I stopped to jot a few notes for my blog and saw that Parker had sent an e-mail about her doc's diagnosis. She sounds pretty sick. I sliced the onions with a clear bag over my head. Do I look crazy? I did then, but it stopped right at my nose. I fried them in butter one handed after slicing my right hand and having to hold it over my head to stop the bleeding. Then I fried the liver. The cookbook said it would take one minute on each side, but it took a whole lot longer than that to get the red out. I ate some of each and left the rest to simmer. Chris skyped me while I was finishing off the last of the beef and tomatoes. I got some sewing done while he wrote an e-mail. We talked for about an hour. Then he went to bed, and I finished a few open browser windows so I could close them. I cleaned up in the kitchen. I answered an e-mail. I rinsed my sprout seeds. I blogged and went to bed.
* This is about 1/4th of the finished item. *

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