Saturday, February 14, 2015

Making my own medicine

I got up with the alarm at 8 and laid in the sun on the guest bed. Later I woke up the laptop to check e-mail. I swished and exercised. I cut up some scraps for a future rug. I had just rubbed Vit C all over my arm when the doorbell rang. I figured the delivery man had left a package. But no, two male Jehovah's Witnesses stood there, seeing me still in my nightgown. I told them now was not a good time, but that there was no point in coming back either. Several minutes after they left, the doorbell rang again. I wasn't sure it wasn't them again, and there is no peephole in the door. So I opened it hoping for a package this time. And there was one, being handed to me by the postman. I just smiled and thanked him. After listening to an audio while juicing, and another one while making and eating breakfast, I decided to go outside. I had heard it was going to be 12 degrees today, but actually it was closer to 60. I got dressed and went outside to pick up sticks, and to add leaves to the compost pile. I wanted to rake leaves from the grass, but I am letting them degrade in place to feed the lawn and build more topsoil. The daffodils are closer to blooming and the foliage from the surprise lilies are up, too. I opened the bill that came in the mail, and there was a $10 late fee. I called GNG and they said they received an overpayment, but it was 4 days late. I looked through my sent e-mails and saw that I had notified Chris of the bill in January when I got back and he said he'd already paid it by computer. It was due Feb 4th. So it makes no sense. I read that freezing castor oil capsules will allow the oil to make it to the latter part of the small intestine where it smothers parasites. So I filled a bunch of empty capsules with leftover cod liver oil and coconut oil and put them in the freezer. I read more about what people have used to combat parasites. Turpentine? Really? I ate supper, and meditated several times to catch up with the ones sent out this week. I wondered where Chris was since he did not respond to any of my e-mails. I researched tapping for parasites. I did some tapping. I watched an episode of X-Files, and put laundry in the washer. I checked e-mail until Chris skyped me. I put the laundry in the dryer. Michele was unavailable for skype. I worked the Sudoku puzzles through today. The last one was rated EVIL, but it really wasn't. Now its time to put the sheet back on the bed and hit the hay.

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