Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Counter offer

I woke up early again but must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, the alarms were ringing, and in the wrong order. I got up to turn on the router and the laptop. I have been putting it in hibernate mode because it gets so hot. I drank lemon water while checking e-mail and got too far into it. It was 9 until I remembered to start swishing. I exercised and drybrushed. I thought about offering the buyers a reasonable amount of money to fix the things on their list and raise the price of the home. I did my detox and listened to audios. I learned that chlorella had the highest level of chlorophyll of any food, and capers won the contest for quercetin. I made warm salt water to drink in the sauna. I refilled my shampoo bottle and coconut oil bottle. I looked all over the house for my 2-piece bathing suit. I couldn't believe it had just disappeared. Finally I put on a one-piece as that was all I had. I packed my sauna bag. I was late leaving and paused at the door to ask myself if I had everything. I had my keys, and purse and ID. I considered counteroffer options all the way. When I got to post, I realized that I did not bring my sauna bag. So I went back home, not too happy with myself. I brought in the mail (junk) and checked e-mail for something from Parker. Then I grabbed my sauna bag and went back to post. Guess I was a little distracted by thoughts about the offer. I sat in the sauna and sweated. There was no one in there, so I turned down the heat a little. Ten minutes before I was done, someone turned the heat up but did not come in. ??? When the hour was up, I got out and took a shower and got dressed. As I passed by the front desk, on a whim, I asked if they had a lost and found. They pointed to a box in the corner. At the bottom was my bathing suit. How I could have left it in the sauna was beyond me. But I was glad to see it. I stuffed it in my bag and went home. I hung up the wet stuff and put my suit in the laundry hamper. I made breakfast and ate it reading e-mail. I also ate supper foods. Parker had sent a message about the VA not letting lendees get money back at closing except for certain items like appraisals and inspections. It was confusing the way it was worded. I guess she doesn't proofread her e-mails. I asked for clarification and then watched some videos in my e-mail. I also read about MEMS technology. It sounded pretty scary to me. I watched part of an interview with Ron Paul about the dollar crashing, but it looked staged. Chris skyped me at the last minute to sing me a song, then I had to leave for choir practice. It went well enough. I picked up the manual for Servantkeeper at the welcome center. After practice, Cecelia gave me her lily which was no longer blooming so I could give it a good home in a sunny place. I planned to plant it next to mine. When I had just finished parking in the carport, Parker called. I promised to call her back in 60 seconds, as I needed both hands to get my purse, folder and lily out of the car. When I got in the house I called her back. We discussed what the new banking regulations would allow at closing as far as cash back offers and appliance allowances, etc. Then I cut out little pieces of fabric with a craft knife while listening to an audio. Chris skyped me when he got in. After 15 minutes, the call dropped. He called me back, but not for long, as he wanted to go to bed. I finished my audio and went to bed.

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