Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Preparing to give thanks

I woke up while it was still dark and tried to go back to sleep. I got up half an hour early. I turned on the router and swished and exercised. I soaked the sprouts and somehow knocked them over, spilling water all over the floor. I washed them off and soaked up all the water, hoping Bob would not drop by and see it. As I read e-mail, I pulled paperclips off of the diamonds and put them in a bag for tomorrow. Then I did my detox. In the middle, Maryann called. She told me about mosquitoes and centipedes that bite (in Chinhae). I finished my detox and juiced. I found something in the fridge that looked like a sweet potato. It came from Garden Cove but I could not remember what it was. I juiced it with mung bean sprouts and carrots. It did not sit well. Then I meditated. In the middle of meditation, Denise called. I told her my stories and she told me hers. I cleaned up, and put on my suit, packed my bag, and was off to the sauna. I took some Sudoku puzzles to do. At times there were other ladies there. I tried putting coconut oil on my hair to condition it while sitting in the heat. I used my homemade coffee shampoo, but I don't think it got all the oil out. My back gave me a warning in the shower. I finished it gingerly, and came home. I checked the mail box.. We got a card addressed to someone I never heard of at our address. There was no return address. I googled the name and our street but no luck. I called Sharon and told her. She did not know the name so I threw it away. She also said Bob would come by tomorrow to check the floor. I made breakfast, and ate it. I turned off skype so I could do an online meditation with headphones. Then I ordered a new pair of bifocals from Zenni optical – less than $50! I changed my clothes and went to choir practice. I talked to Jennifer afterward. She reminded me of Wayne Dyer's suggestion to think of what you want and give thanks as though it had already happened. I decided to try it at home. When I got home, there were skype messages from Maryann and Chris. I sent a message to them both. I ate a hard boiled egg and some kimchi. Chris called me and we talked. Nothing new to report there. I crushed the egg shells as we talked. Then I responded to some e-mails, blogged and prepared to give thanks as I went to bed.

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