Friday, April 3, 2015

Good Friday

I woke up early and thought it was 6:30, so I did some mental programming and was surprised when the alarm rang half an hour later. I turned on the router and sat down at my laptop with a glass of water. All I got were spinning cheerios as it tried to connect. I decided that watched laptops never connect, so I walked into the kitchen to put down my empty glass and when I came back, it was online.
I discovered an e-mail from the rental agency asking that all renters carry insurance and if they already have it, to send a copy to the office. Hmm, did that have anything to do with Bob coming yesterday? I juiced chard and a red beet, and then cleaned up. It did not taste great, but I got it down. Parker called, and we talked for a long time filling out the sheet and discussing what comes next. We were able to get some of the info from the sheet Joyce sent. Thanks, Joyce. I wrote several checks: one went in the mail and the other two will go to church. I made breakfast and ate it. I watered the wheatgrass and chewed some. I picked up sticks in the back yard. I saw the couple next door in their back yard. They both seemed healthy. So maybe his mower doesn't work. I got an automated notice from the dentist office. When I clicked on the button for “add to Google Calendar” it came up in Korean. Is Google behind, or thinking ahead? Chris skyped with me when he got back from Comayagua where they had a Good Friday procession. We established that we are getting separate take-aways from our conversations. After he hung up, I ate a banana with peanutbutter – the act of a desperate woman. Then I worked on Tuesday block downstairs. I came up to take a shower, and get dressed for church. I checked e-mail one last time, and finished an audio. I tapped for a few minutes, turned off my phone and went to church. I practiced with the choir. We all sat together in the pews near the organ. We had a few people from Hope Presbyterian join us. Then I sat as still as I could for the service to begin. The service went well. I did not like the kneeling part because I was on the end of the pew and there was no kneeler there. But the music was nice. And we sang our bit in the dark at the end. While the congregation left in silence, Art and I counted the cash by the light of his phone. I hope we got it right, but I know he will count it again in the daylight. As I walked outside, I could see lightning and finally hear thunder. Ed said it was fitting for Good Friday. The rain started on the way home. By the time I parked, it was a downpour. I ran into the house, got my collection tubs and put them out. I got drenched, so I toweled off. I listened to some songs on Youtube. I finished listening to a tapping audio. I took off my wet clothes and put on my nightgown. Then I put on some classical music and mixed up a batch of spices for breakfasts. I watered the newer batch of sprouts. And I found myself eating kimchi, sprouts, and chocolate with dates: things I would never eat so late at night. But again, my life is about to be ripped apart and the schedule and habits (which have gotten me through the hard times) thrown out the window. They won't survive in Korea. In other words, now that I have solved for most of the variables, Chris is changing all the equations and I will have to start over.
* This is Lauri with one of her many quilts *

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