Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jane's class on curvy weaving

I woke up an hour early, and took the supplements and vit C. I went downstairs to select two fabrics, cut a fat quarter of each, and put fusible web on the back. Then I worked on the Tuesday block, but couldn't finish because one of the strips I used was too narrow so those sections were too small. I ate some kimchi and sprouts. I got dressed, found instructions for the class, and grabbed some supplies, worried that if I arrive earlier than usual, they will expect me to do it every week. I got there at 9:20. Jane had tables set up with foam board pieces for pinning. She showed me how to get started and checked back every so often. I drew the lines on the fabrics, but the lines did not show up well, and I did not know what they were for. One lady let me make a cut on her fabric before I did my own. It was so imprecise that I had trouble getting started. I cut between the lines, longitudinally on one and laterally on the other. Then I wove them together. I wished I had chosen a solid green but it was what it was. Everyone said they liked it. Afterward, I went to the Asian store for kimbap and ate some in my car. Then I stopped at the station for gas. When I got home, I finished the kimbap with some kimchi. I read e-mail while swishing, and then meditated. As soon as the meditation ended, I had to leave for the dentist. I took my night guard. I sat in the waiting room, freezing, until I got called back. The hygenist (one I had never met) examined the guard and how it fit into my bite. She said my bite had changed so much that the guard could not be made to fit again. She recommended a new night guard even if it was just one from the drug store. There was no charge. I came home, ate two of the dehydrated persimmons that came from the Asian store (with peanut butter). I tried to take a nap but sleep would not come. Mostly I cried. Then I went downstairs. I ripped apart pieces of the Tuesday block and replaced or resewed as needed to get it right. It was 23 inches square. I ate some fish while listening to an interview. The phone rang but not for long. I don't know who it was, but that is when I saw that MaryAnn had called while I was sewing. So I called her back. We chatted about Chinhae and her painting her bedroom blue. I finished the interview while doing two Sudoku puzzles. I saw an e-mail from Chris with a link to housing on the base at Chinhae. Then he skyped, so we talked at length. I reiterated my position that I don't want to go and am afraid of a major depressive episode with all the stresses of the past year. He did not know what to say. We agreed to talk again tomorrow night. I wrote to my blog and went to bed.


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