Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I may need a new plan

I woke up early this morning, surprised that I had slept. Like yesterday, I felt achy all over, like I'd been tense all night. I started swishing and went back to bed until the 20 minute timer rang. I put on an audio and rebounded, exercised, and drybrushed. I boiled coffee and did the detox. I was glad to be ahead of schedule so I could get to church by noon. But at 11 Art called to say he had done the counting himself yesterday. So I did not have to go in after all. I did not know whether to be glad, or mad (having gotten up early for no reason and why did he not call me yesterday to tell me this?) Then it was time to juice. I had a lot of clean up after juicing because the pulp basket shifted away from the machine while the red beet was going through. The red pulp sprayed all over the wall and counter and mixer. I heard the man next door mowing his lawn and figured I should do the same. And I did, with a full on niacin flush. I brought in the mail, which was just Netflix. Then I checked e-mail and looked at the site I was reading last night. It was full of conspiracy theories, to such an extent that they cannot all be credible. It made me feel better about what I read last night. I heated up the salt water for the sauna and dressed appropriately. I packed my bag and drove to post. My first stop was MWR. I went there to get a new card. I had to leave the old one, and when I remarked that I still had my base pass, they confiscated it, saying they would take it to the One Stop and tell those people that they did not do their job. I went to the gym and got in the sauna. One lady I have seen before asked me if I had any soap, knowing it would be something natural. I gave her mine and she used it. She gave it back to me as I was sitting in the heat and I think it was melting, so I put it in my locker. I had a good sweat. Several different ladies were in and out. One slept, and we were worried about her. Later she said it was an effect of her allergy meds but that it was ok, she could sleep in the sauna for an hour with no problem. I did not understand how that could be so. When I got home, I made breakfast, and listened to audios while I ate. Then I mowed for the second time. I discovered that grass is thicker than weeds. After 10 minutes, the mower was cutting the weeds but only playing with the grass. When I plugged it in, I swept the garage floor. Then I listened to two audios. I weeded the front flowerbed so I could scatter seed. I also scattered old seed (poppies) in the back flower bed. It started to rain. I was inside listening to a Philosopher's Notes video when the doorbell rang. The UPS guy left a package on the porch. It was small but so heavy I could not lift it more than to get it over the doorjamb. It was the new lawn mower battery. I had assured myself that I could find a way to take the mower apart to get the old battery out, watching Youtube videos if necessary. But it never occurred to me that it might be so heavy that I could not move it. My plan might need some rethinking. I changed clothes and went to choir practice in the pouring rain. We sang a piece with a flute part and JenQ suggested I try it on trombone just for fun. So when I got home, I did. But some of the notes were just too high. I played more Philosopher's Notes videos while sewing by hand under my new lamp. I shortened it to a table lamp and tried it that way. The base seemed appropriate for a floor lamp but awfully big for a table size. My hands got sore from holding the layers together. I sat in the den to tap and heard the skype sound. Chris called me and we talked. He is planning to return to Huntsville in mid May. He sang me another song – one by Phil Collins. Then he hung up to go to bed and I did the same.
* These are my two large tomato plants, waiting to be planted *

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