Thursday, April 16, 2015

Jane's presentation

My dream was interrupted by a storm. Some lady was telling me that her husband wanted to move to DC to take a job as the capitol ghost. Then the sound of thunder pulled me away from that. Finally I said “enough already!” and the storm moved away. I might have gone back to sleep, but I remember listening to the rain. The room was chilly and I snuggled under the covers until I thought about the basement. So I got up and checked the temperature – 71 inside and put on my robe. I put the collection tubs out, and turned on the router, drank lemon water and swished. I deleted the first round of e-mail. Just after I started my exercises, I remembered the basement again. Thankfully, it was dry. I put on an audio and finished my exercises. I did some handsewing with my new magnifier lamp to see how much it helped. I wondered if it was worth the effort of changing it into a table lamp and taking it to quilting today. That room is not bright and light is especially low on rainy days. I wrote to my congressman about fast track legislation (TPA). I juiced and meditated. I made breakfast. I did a tapping audio. I made up a week's worth of supplements, including today. I drove Chris' car to quilting and got there about noon. All I did there was some knitting since the lighting is so bad. The ladies said they would write letters to someone in town to get Chris hired here, if they knew who to send them to. I left there about 2 to go home and change cars. Then I drove to church to meet the pastor for some counseling. He is a really good listener. I left there at 4:15 to come home. I had a bite to eat, making a salad from wild lettuce and kale sprouts. I checked e-mail and saw one from Parker explaining the last of the expenses. There was one from Chris explaining how to get my ID card renewed. And I got a card from him in the mail. I went out to mow the lawn, trying to get the battery run all the way down. But it lasted longer than I did, even though it sounded like it was barely alive. I checked e-mail again. I filled out all the raffle tickets that I wasn't able to sell. 5 of 20 isn't bad. My big toe kept getting caught in a hole in my sock so I ran it under the sewing machine for a quick fix. I drove Chris' car to the guild meeting. I turned in the tickets and the quilt top Denise and I made. I sat with Jodi to collect Comfy quilts. When they were shown off during the meeting, I took pics. The low battery light came on, and the camera quit during the Jane Sassaman presentation. I went up to look at her quilts afterward. I talked to Sue on the way out. She has SCA garb too. I drove up the hill in 2nd. I parked in the carport but was not alone. Something as large as a squirrel shifted in the darkness. I brought all my sewing stuff inside. I checked e-mail, and saw a message from Chris on Skype. So I called him and we talked for almost 2 hours. Then I downloaded some pics from my camera to post to my blog and went to bed.
* This is a slide from Jane's presentation where she shows how to use her line of fabric in a quilt. *

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