Friday, April 24, 2015

Remote viewing

I slept in past the alarm – not actually sleeping, but not ready to get up. When I did, it was the usual morning routine. I swished and exercised and listened to an audio. I juiced and made breakfast. I did today's Sudoku puzzle. I sat to meditate. Denise called to say she was on her way over. I then went out with the mower to make sure it worked. I mowed until she drove up. When I plugged the mower in, the light was still green. Denise gave me a small pepper plant and a jar of homemade sauerkraut. She told me her news, and she offered to pray for me in tongues. That intrigued me, so I said yes. And she did. She said if I went to a group meeting with her, they would pray for me and I could learn to speak in tongues too. We spent the rest of the afternoon working on her second charity quilt. After she left, I felt a few raindrops but decided to mow anyway. I finished the back yard. I had to admit there was less to mow since the man next door mowed over the line. But the mower wouldn't quit. I could have gone on, but did not want to get wet. I put up the mower and found some food for supper. I picked wild lettuce for a salad. I read e-mail and Kurt skyped me. He was watching BBT on TV and I could see it from his tablet. That gave a whole new meaning to 'remote viewing'. Then Dad called to get Michele's address (which I could not find), so I talked to him while Kurt watched TV. When Dad hung up, Kurt decided to invoke screen mirroring between his tablet and his TV. I took a screen shot of his TV showing recursive images of me as shown via skype on his tablet. It got complicated. Anyway, he experimented with twitching his tablet which made the images on the screen twitch in sequence. It was wild. Finally he had to go to bed. So I posted to my blog and put myself to bed.

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