Thursday, April 9, 2015

Our first offer

I woke up at 7. I tried to program my mind for peace, but I could not find any. I started tapping and although it did not bring a sense of peace, it did get me out of bed for whatever reason. It was almost 8. I swished and soaked the sprouts. I checked e-mail and exercised. I found an unread e-mail from January of last year about a process for looking for inner guidance. I did the process which is supposed to yield results in 48 hours. I tried to imagine being free and light and unburdened by the cares which torment me now. I looked up Maryann's counselor to see if she was on our insurance, but she wasn't. I considered calling her anyway. I tried the sway test while standing in the kitchen and asking myself questions about what I should do. I wanted to make sure the answers were consistent, so I did it again outside. I got different answers. Augh! I quickly juiced a cucumber and a zuchini. I sat down by the desktop and saw there was a skype message from my tapping buddy. So I called her and we had a good session. It was my turn to be tapped on and I had a lot of recent material to bring up. I felt better when we were done. I cleaned the juicer and made breakfast, noting items that will need replacing soon. I ate while reading e-mail and taking notes for my blog. I saw the mailman go by, so I went to the box and pulled out a package and bills. In the package I found two small plants, one labeled 'goji berry' and the other not labeled. There was no invoice, only a paper with instructions for growing 20 or 30 different kinds of plants. I watered them and put them outside, wondering what will become of them if I don't stay here. When I put my sewing stuff in Chris' car, I noticed the garage door was open. I closed it. When I got to the Thursday group, I showed off the Tuesday block and the sample from the weaving class. I talked to Marjory who recommended that I write on a sheet of paper all the pros and cons of my quandary (to go or to stay). Pat helped me start knitting a washcloth. When I got home, I saw Parker's e-mail about an offer. I e-mailed her back. She called and said it was too low but to make an almost meaningless counter offer. I went out to mow, but apparently forgot to charge the mower yesterday. I plugged it in and pulled sticky weeds instead. Then I wrote an e-mail Parker asked for officially declining the offer and proposing a counter offer. MaryAnn called on skype. After the call, I went out to mow but the mower was still charging. So I gave it another 20 minutes while I picked wild lettuce and brought in some rain water, and then I told it “Ready or not, its time to mow”. I mowed inside the fence, along the ditch, and then in the back yard. I ran it until I could barely hear it running. Then I put it up, and washed my feet. I tried filtering the rain water, but it had too much pollen in it which kept blocking the pores of the filter. I had a bite to eat and checked e-mail. I was hoping to hear from Parker who was showing the house at 7 EST. I read an article on how cooling your brain can help you get to sleep at night. Then I got an e-mail from Parker saying the new couple was interested but not yet ready to buy. I made and ate a wild lettuce salad. I placed my order for more supplements. Chris skyped, and we talked for an hour and a half. During the call, I got hot, so I moved the laptop into the den so I could take my clothes off. He noticed. I sprayed some magnesium oil on my skin to help me sleep later. When it hit my arms where the sticky plants had touched them, it REALLY stung. And even after most of the stinging subsided, it left red welts. I gotta watch out for that weed in the future. After Chris hung up, it was time to go to blog and go to bed.
* This is one of the other weaving projects from Tuesday *

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