Wednesday, October 7, 2015

25th anniversary

As a parting gift last night, I sent Chris a link to the song “Please Mr. Postman” and “We've only just begun” before I went to bed. I also swept the DE back out across the kitchen floor.
The next morning, I woke up early. Still in bed, I did some tapping and tried a little self-hypnosis. Then I laid on the guest bed to watch the sun come up. On a shelf, I found a box of old papers, from before I was married. I threw most of them away. I turned on the router and laptop. I drank a quart of water and exercised. I swept up the DE which had no footprints in it. I swished and showered. I made up a recipe of mouthwash from the Holistic Dental Health Summit. It's just filtered water and essential oils. I put some in a baby food jar to take to the dental office. I got dressed, and picked up a few more pieces of fabric from the basement. I put it all in my car, plus the fabric and magazines from Chris' car and drove to quilting. When I got there, I put the magazines and fabric on the table. The ladies swarmed over it. I talked to a few people and gave Beverly the jar of goat cheese. When I looked back, the table was empty except for a few magazines and some scraps. I talked to one lady who is having a book signing at the VBC on Sunday. Her daughter is in DC and she wants her to meet my daughter. I also talked to a second lady who was in Seoul years ago and we compared stories. When I left, I went to the Asian store for kimbap and kimchi. I proceeded directly to the dentist office. I worked on Kurt's quilt until my name was called. The hygienist gave me some mouthwash, but I told her I brought my own, and I swished with it. She was very talkative. She measured my gum pockets and said they were 1mm shallower than last time. I told her about having a bad taste in my mouth in the mornings and she said she could not find anything amiss. Then the dentist came in, but not the one I was used to. This was an older lady. She examined my teeth, and said everything looked fine. After she left, the first lady cleaned my teeth. I had to request non-fluoridated paste. Then, at the reception desk, I wished I had deep pockets. The bill for cleaning and visual check was $141. I paid the bill and went home. I ate my lunch, then got my quilts together and drove to the same church as yesterday. The women there were collecting entries for the quilt show. I turned my four submissions in. They said that the sleeve on the pulpit cloth had to be sewn down on both edges.. One lady had some thread, so I sat and did that. Then I went home. The sun was shining, so I laid in the sun for awhile. I don't know why the the few clouds in the sky clustered around the sun, so it was on and off the whole time. Then I came in to make breakfast and read e-mail. I worked on the pillowcases downstairs until the phone rang. It was William fishing for information on when we were leaving. I went back to the last pillow case. I had sewn it wrong side to right side and had to rip. Then I sewed it right and ironed it. I came up to see if there were any messages from Chris. I used Spray and Wash on kimchi stains. I oiled my hair. I took my supplements with whey. When I combined two jars of it, it bubbled! Lots of probiotic action. I killed a roach in the bathroom and dropped him in the toilet. Big guy. Must have been into my superfoods. I called Dad to thank him for the card. I sorted as we talked. I got the old TV box from the garage and swept it out. I put my cutting mats inside. I went through my stack of patterns and printouts. I made sure all the papers were in plastic sleeves. I packed a paper box with fruit fabric and the mondo bag pattern, and the yellow project. I put the laundry in the washer. I sorted through several drawers of sewing and craft stuff. I rifled through stacks of magazines and books. I heard the skype call and ran upstairs to talk to Chris. He was calling late and did not have long to talk before he had to go. I put the laundry in the dryer. It was time for bed, but I had to wait until it was done, so I watched an episode of Castle. Then I pulled the laundry from the dryer and hung up my dress. I posted to my blog and went to bed.
Today was our 25th anniversary. Not only did we not spend it together, since we were in different time zones, we spent it on different days, sort of.
* These are the pillow cases I finished tonight. *

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