Saturday, October 31, 2015

A walk in the park

I woke up in the middle of night. I swished because my mouth had a bad taste. I wanted to check e-mail, but id not want all the blue light. However, F.Lux did not know it was the middle of the night. I changed the time zone on my laptop but it still did not know. So I wrestled with f.lux, and ended up having to download it again. I checked e-mail. Chris invited me back to bed. I woke up before 8, showered, dressed, and made breakfast. It took a long time because the ingredients were out of order, here and there and not in regular containers. Just as I was finishing breakfast, MaryAnn called on skype. I only had afew minuted to talk because Chris was taking me to meet Cathy. We walked to her house. On the way, we saw a duplex 'boarded up' with pieces of cardboard. Very ingenious. She gave me a jar of coconut oil that she bought as a back up. She and I have a lot in common. She filters her water and grows herbs and has essential oils. Her kids were really cute. She showed me all the things her sewing lady had made. She offered me a ride to church tomorrow. We walked back to the duplex. I ate a hard boiled egg, and started a new batch of fermented coconut milk. We took a long walk out the front gate and down the street to a park. We saw lots of nature, including a lake with carp. A man walked by. He did not speak English but I am sure he told us the word for fish, pointing into the water. Sadly I forgot it almost immediately even though I said it several times. We walked up hill from the park and found a coffee shop. He got coffee and I got mango tea. Very elegantly served. But then it was $6 per cup. Then we walked back a slightly different way. We went past the front gate to a little store to buy kimchi. Then we went on base to the commissary. We picked up a few things for hummus. I saw coconut oil in three different sizes in three different places! I can't believe they told us yesterday that they were out of it. Then we walked home. Home? It doesn't feel that way yet. Chris made himself a burrito. I had some pickles I bought just for the jar. I also ate some kimchi with last night's chicken. I read e-mail. There was a short video on the science behind fluoridation. Hopefully people will realize the dangers to thyroid and endocrine function outweigh the small benefit to teeth. Chinhae does not fluoridate their water. Score one for Chinhae! I took notes for my blog. Chris did laundry and worked on his computer. He switched the desk and the TV table so the phone cord would reach the desk. Kids knocked on our door, looking for candy. Since we had heard it was canceled, we did not have anything to give them except burnt rice candy. Chris offered that and they did not accept. More kids came even though we did not have our light on. So Chris wrote on a sheet of packing paper that we had no candy and caught it in the door. This did not stop the kids, but when we did not answer, they went away. Later we watched a movie – some western with Jimmy Stewart. I made up a Swansons order. Then I read more of my library book while he walked to work to print out his plane ticket. Then we watched another western. The next thing I knew he was telling me we ought to go to bed. I guess I fell asleep. So we went to bed and I woke up at 3am and posted to my blog.

1 comment:

Alice Watson said...

Beautiful park, and exquisite china for your tea. I love the pictures.