Saturday, October 24, 2015

A party is a nice distraction

We stayed in bed late because there were no packers coming. Chris gave me a massage. I thought about remarks that several of the packers had made about how much stuff we had. They made me feel badly because they are only seeing what is left after all the stuff we left behind in Pinehurst, all the stuff we gave to the youth group, all the fabric I gave away and all the donation piles that got hauled off. Oh, and all the stuff that get shipped to Korea. I did some tapping and realized that the stuff represents all my varied interests, plus my belief that few things are truly worthless. They can used, or fixed, or made into something else. Chris got into the shower after 8. I exercised and swished, and then took my shower. I made my breakfast and wondered if I should prepare one for Wednesday morning. Chris told me that the plane for Dallas leaves at 5:35am. I imagined my breakfast would make it through security if it only had the dry ingredients in it. I filled the old coffee pot with water and turned the heating element on. I crumbled sheets of nori into it and hoped it would turn into seaweed soup by lunch time. I cleaned cupboards in the kitchen. I scrubbed the kitchen walls and countertops. I put some elbow grease into the stove and oven as well. We went through our suitcases looking for small heavy things that should get mailed so our luggage won't be overweight. We would have used a scale, but it had already been packed. At two, I got hungry. I had nothing to flavor the seaweed with so I mixed some soup with the thai food from last night. That was surprisingly good (though I don't think it will catch on). I helped Chris load cardboard into my car. He drove to the recycling center. I found more, but saw the neighbor out, so I told him about my green tomato and said he should pick it when it gets ripe. He invited me to pick some of his peppers. Then Chris returned and we filled the car with boxes again. I went inside to sweep floors. I put on a long video on poisons in the modern food supply. It was written by a French woman so there were lots of subtitles. I swept during the English parts. Then we changed clothes and Chris drove us to Jennifer's house. She and her husband were giving a party. Chris knew more people there than I did since he used to work with her. But I found people to talk to. One gentleman told me he taught his students how to douse to find buried power lines and such. He had done big engineering projects in Richmond. When I mentioned that my dad was a retired soil scientist and had done soil maps, he told me to thank my dad for all the info. Another young woman was learning to crochet and had been thinking about quilting, so we had a good chat. There was a fire pit in their back yard. But I did not get to sit by it. When the food was ready, we went inside to fill our plates and I sat in the living room to eat with two other ladies. At the end of the evening I took a moment to stand by the fire after everyone had left. Then we said goodbye to our hosts and came home. I finished my video while doing Sudoku puzzles. But I kept getting them wrong. When the video was over, I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* And they had more comfortable seating *

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