Monday, October 19, 2015

Packing furiously

Last night that discolored skin above my ear started seeping. So I doused it with a cotton ball soaked in hydrogen peroxide. I was going to wait until the fizzing stopped, but it took too long so I just went to bed.
When I looked out in the morning, I saw trash by the road. I went out to pick it up. Then I swished and exercised, and drank a quart of water. I made up supplements for two weeks, knowing that when I finish them, this life will be over and I will be living in Korea. Shannon came over to get the leftover fabric and some toys. But her son asked for bubble wrap. Ha, ha. She offered to take anything else we did not want and the use of her truck. I packed a box with supplements and extracts, nuts, essential oils, etc to be mailed to Korea. The rest will be part of the shipment. I washed the water collection tubs. An agent called to see the house in 30 minutes. It turned out to be a lady Chris had met in Kwaj. But it was probably too many steps for her. I made up a first aid pack. A man from the company which will be putting our stuff in storage, came to tour the house and make notes. After he left, I laid out in the sun for 20 minutes. Then I laid out my clothes on the bed to choose: short sleeves, long sleeves, pants, nightgowns, socks. I packed my suitcase, then got a large box from basement and packed clothes for shipment. That went all day between other things. People came at three to see the house, and really liked all the space. I mentioned that the fridge and riding mower were for sale, but they, did not ask about them. Chris came back from the post office and Goodwill as they were leaving. Linda had given me a picture frame with three pics in it. I added the photo she sent and laid it in the shipment pile. I put pairs of shoes in separate bags, some for the suitcase and others for shipment. I had a bite to eat. I finished going through the dresser in the bedroom and the closet in the computer room. Chris packed up the desktop computer and all the peripherals. I washed a kidney, and then boiled it while I cleared a book case and started on my jewelry. My idea of jewelry is one pair of earrings which I wear on Sundays. So the rest could go in storage, but it wouldn't be safe there. I fished CD's from the players and reunited them with their cases whenever possible. When the kidney was done, Chris sliced it up for me and I fried the slices in coconut oil and sprinkled them with salt. It took a long time, so I listened to the next cancer audio – said that Nuremburg trial #6 was against two pharmaceutical companies who funded Germany in the war. The concentration camps were created to supply slave labor to build a pharmaceutical plant. I realized we were packing all our most useful stuff for shipment to Korea, and wished there were a loaner pack of essentials for the rest of the days we will be here. I found a broken jar of pennies, and wished I had left them with Kurt and Patrick. I chose some sheet music and music books to be shipped. I packed up stuff under the bathroom sink. Chris went to bed. I thought of a million things I had not gone through yet. I finished the audio while doing a Sudoku puzzle (am way behind) and posted to my blog. I might have gone to bed then, or I might have stayed up to pack a few last things before the packers come in the morning.
* My pillow doesn't look so comfy any more *

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