Friday, October 30, 2015

The busiest day

We slept well most of the night. It was still dark – probably 6 when we got up. Chris took his shower and I cleaned up and got dressed. He picked a strawberry growing by the front door. We walked to Turtle Cove for breakfast. Along the way, Chris pointed out the school and the church and the commissary and the medical center and his work building. Basically we had to pass everything to get there. And it was at the bottom of the hill. We had the breakfast buffet which was nothing to write home about. The bacon was cold. I tried both kinds, not sure what the second kind was, but it was not good. Then I got two hardboiled eggs and fresh fruit. There was something that looked like tomato juice. I asked what it was and all the lady could tell me was that it came from a can. After we ate, it was all uphill. literally. We met the commander. We stopped by Chris' office so he could make a phone call. Then we went back to the duplex for supplements and a quick e-mail. We went to some office to get me an ID card. They needed to see Chris' orders and he had to run back to the duplex to get them. Eventually I got my ID. It was too early for the commissary so we went to the library, which was jest a set of book shelves in a rec room. Chris went to his office. The library lady showed me the theatre on the same floor (which is where church services are currently being held while the chapel is under renovation). Then I read a book until Chris came back after 11. I checked out the book, and we walked to the commissary in the same building but on the first floor. We got some groceries and checked out. The commissary lets people take the carts to their quarters, so we walked it to the post office to pick up four parcels. I was disappointed to find that my sewing machine was not one of them. Then Chris pushed the cart up the hill to our quarters. He returned the cart while I put the groceries away and opened the first box. My essential clove oil must have spilled because the corner of the box looked wet and it smelled like cloves. I tried to put things in the cabinets, but they are so high that I could only reach the lowest shelf. My bag of flax seed split. I was able to save most of it. I cut up a milk jug to make a funnel. (Did I mention that Chris saved me ALL of his recyclables in case I needed containers? Milk jugs, egg cartons, jars and bags) I poured it all in a plastic jar. Chris returned and helped me pour in what had spilled into the box. Somehow I dropped the container and all of it went on the floor. I cried. Then I picked up the greatest concentrations with a card. I asked for a broom or dustpan but he did not have one. He brought me the vacuum. I used the hose to suck up seeds but it did not work well and there were no seeds in the vac's cup. So we took the hose off and went outside. We used the hose as a snake to clear obstructions which looked like Cheetos which had the cheese licked off of them. I put the hose back on and it worked much better. But some of the flax seed went under the dishwasher where I could not get it. Chris had to go to the gate to meet the moving people. He returned with the man and his truck. As he brought in the boxes and opened them, Chris checked the numbers off. There were only a few. He had to escort the man off post. Started unpacking the boxes. When he got back, we walked to the ration card office. One of the men who drove us last night was there and processed my card. Then we went to the phone store. Boy, was that confusing! All they had were smart phones, so there was talk of data plans, and memory, and operating systems, and screen size and so on. I settled on a Samsung Galaxy A7 because of the larger screen. I was astounded at the price of the phones. But we signed up for a two year plan and my phone was $13 a month over the plan price. Then there was much signing of papers, in English and in Korean. I must have signed my name up to two dozen times. Then I had to ask how to make a phone call. Operating the phone was a little like my tablet, which is very very good. Then we toured the Px and got some hangers. Finally we stopped by the post office so Chris could show me how to do it. His box was on the top row. But even with the stepstool, I could only see the numbers for the combination lock by grabbing the molding and pulling myself up. Chris read me the combination but I had trouble getting it open. They were closing so we just left. We visited the gym on the way home. I saw the racquet court, weight room, gym, and cardio. The saunas and showers were closed for renovation. Then we took the fitness trail back to the duplex. I was exhausted and realized that I hadn't had lunch. I sat down to check e-mail while Chris finished up some assignment that was due yesterday. He agreed to cook supper but needed a baking dish, so, as tired as I was, I unpacked until I found the baking dish. I tried to stay awake, but was almost asleep when he brought me a plate of chicken and brussels sprouts. I ate that, and he brought me some chocolate and dates. I thought that eating would help me stay awake but I was dog tired. So we went to bed at 7:30. I figured I would get up in the middle of the night to post to my blog.

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