Tuesday, October 20, 2015

All packed to go

The alarm went off at 7 but I was already awake, surprised that I had slept. I mixed some essential oils into coconut oil and rubbed them on the scab above my ear. I sat at my laptop to delete e-mail, then jumped up to get some water. While I was drinking, I remembered the toilet brush and plunger. So I got plastic bags to tie around them and they went in the pile, as did the outdoor thermometer that I washed last night. I put some of the notions from my grandmother's sewing cabinet in a ziplock bag, then decided I had more important things to do. I exercised, and took a shower. I dressed in clothes so worn I can throw them away. I vacuumed the rugs to be shipped. Chris got the mail from yesterday. There was a card from MaryAnn, as well as my latest Swanson order. The packers started in the basement. I swept the floor and moved things out of their way. Chris moved boxes and we broke down the shelving units for packing. I swept parts of the floor as they were uncovered, dirty and dusty. Then I made breakfasts for the rest of the week so we could pack or ship the leftover ingredients. I remember a rush of packing here and there. Chris ordered pizza for the packers for lunch. Beverly called to say they missed me this morning at quilting and that she has a license plate for me. I went through my jewelry and put most of it in shipping. I store much of it in egg cartons so I think it will be ok. The lady packed my shoes which were next to the clothing box. I made her open the box so I could get them back out. We found a camera which was broken although not unusable. I told Chris we should keep it in case I get to go to the mud festival in Korea. I went through my spread sheet list to find a few more things. I picked out office supplies from the desk. I found batteries so I got out the battery tester. The low ones got thrown away. I packed up the tester, but kept finding more batteries and having to unpack it. Finally it went in the suitcase. I felt a little badly about adding things to the piles they were packing, but had we been ready sooner, the piles would have been that large anyway. Most of the additions were kitchen stuff. I took the packers downstairs and had them repack the TV box which I had filled with cutting mats, rulers, and such. After they left, I was emotionally and physically exhausted. It was hard to see the house so bare. We laid on the bed for awhile. Then Chris got up to check his e-mail. I checked mine and listened to last night's episode of TTAC, taking notes. I ate the last hard boiled egg, three carrots and some goat cheese on a paper plate. I listened to a brain wave entrainment CD on making change easy. At 8 I watched tonight's episode while catching up on Sudoku puzzles. Studies show that cannabis can help with cancer. It was after 10 when Chris went to bed, so I stopped the video a little early to post to my blog and go to bed.

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