Monday, October 26, 2015

The last load

We got up at 7. It was a dark and rainy day – kind of like my mood. I expected to have a bad day watching all the rest of our stuff go away. I wonder if my mood brought the rain. I exercised, swished and ate breakfast. After breakfast I washed walls in the master bedroom, then the items in the sink. I moved the remaining food items to the other side of the kitchen so I could clean there. I put a pot of water in the coffee maker and poured the last of the dandelion tea leaves in it. I scrubbed in the kitchen cabinets. I put the rolling wire baskets in the dishwasher because they were so greasy (from before we moved in). Chris went to the post office. When he got back, I took all the paper plates, cups and plastic ware to quilting. Bertha was there handquilting, so I sat and helped her. It was a nice thing to do on such a dreary and depressing day. I enjoyed talking to my friends. When I was ready to leave, Alice wrote up a bill of sale for my car and we both signed it. I came home to clean the stuff out of my car, and put the cover in the back. I ate some lunch and had some tea. I saw that I had missed some of the paper cups. I took the wire baskets out of the dishwasher. They were still sticky but I had done my best. Bertha and Alice came over. I gave Alice the remaining paper cups and my car key. Bertha left in her car and Alice took her 'new' station wagon. She said she got a deal, and I sincerely hope she did and it drives reliably for a long time. Soon after they left, Denise called to say she was on her way. She wanted to order from Swansons, so we did that here. While we were at it, the man came for our chairs and table. So after that, we stood around talking. Then Mike arrived and she had to go to get out of his way and to pick up her husband. Chris showed Mike how to drive around the house to the back of the carport. The two of them hefted the riding mower into his van (and all the accessories). He talked about martial arts for awhile, then drove off. The men asked me to look around to see if anything did not get packed. I found a few things, including two irons. Then I swept out the basement while they loaded the garage. We said goodbye and watched the truck leave. Chris sat on the floor in the computer room with his laptop. I ate up leftover sweet potato and ghee, sunflower seeds, and blueberries. I listened to an audio. Our next door neighbor came over to say goodbye. I could not resist telling him to come in and have a seat (nothing here). I gathered some clothes for tomorrow, and we went to the Hampton Inn. I laid in bed and played a paraliminal audio with headphones. I was nearly relaxed and asleep when my phone rang. But Chris answered it. After the audio was over, my phone rang again. It was Beverly. There are no short conversations with Beverly. I promised to stop by the Tuesday group to give her the license plate. Then Chris came to bed and massaged magnesium oil into my skin. It was good except for my fingertips. Those were pricked from quilting so they itched. Then I posted to my blog , or tried to. The hotel internet was unreliable. He went to sleep while I fought with the wifi and decided to post without a pic so I could go to sleep too.
* these kids attended Trunk-or-treat Sunday night *

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