Thursday, October 8, 2015

Last time for everything, right?

Something happened during the night that I had hoped would never happen again. Seriously, if I am old enough for gray hairs,why not menopause? Like all the other things I am doing for the last time this week, maybe that will be one of them. I tried to stay in bed late and relax because my heart rate was higher than it should have been. But thoughts of the day kept intruding, so I got up, turned stuff on, swished, exercised, etc. I listened to an audio while working today's Sudoku puzzle. I sipped some whey and found several pea-sized new kefir grains. I juiced a zucchini. I never thought of them as sweet, but the juice is. I loaded the selected fabrics and books into Chris' car. Last day for driving Chris' car? There weren't many ladies there, probably because of setting up the quilt show for this weekend. I brought in the box of fabric and books which was really heavy. I dragged in all the batting too. Christy said that one of the members makes dog beds. While I was at quilting, an agent called to ask when she could show the house. We decided on 5:30. I sat and talked until 1, then packed up what fabric and books remained. I hugged them goodbye and came home. I drank the rest of the whey. I checked e-mail. I washed up. I headed to my last massage. Traffic got stopped for a funeral procession. It was followed by an ambulance. So I was barely on time. She was ready for me. She asked what I wanted done, and gave me the usual, with a little cranial-sacral work at the end. We talked for awhile, then hugged goodbye. When I got home, I sniffed the air and said “Mmmm, smells like kimchi”. It was sitting out from Tuesday. But other people might not have the same appreciation of it that I do. So I ate some and put the rest in the fridge. Then I put some essential oils in the diffuser. I started a loaf of bread for Chris. I straightened the MBR. I dashed through the kitchen and bathrooms, I turned on all the lights. I hid certain things. I turned the AC down to 74. I met the agent outside, waiting for her client. We talked, and maybe I said too much. A lady arrived with two kids. We toured the house. She seemed to like the backyard. After they left, I made a salad. Then I ate some chocolate and dates, and finally some cashews. Time to pack. I packed some quilt backings in a box. I wrapped up long rulers and put them in the box with the mats. I sorted one drawer of sewing desk into ziplock bags. I rearranged boxes for better sorting near the back wall. I noticed that the AC register was dripping water. Chris called from the Dallas airport. He sounded really tired. Then I went back to packing. I selected an array of crochet hooks to pack. My watch stopped at 7:30. I noticed at 8:30 and set it ahead. It seemed to keep time after that. I threw a couple of kites into the ruler box. I found my self chewing my tongue and grinding my teeth as I worked. I came upstairs to drink a quart of water. I put vit c in it. I checked e-mail. I did a little tapping. I looked up dehydration and teeth grinding. Apparently the two are related in cats. I read that hydrotherapy (exposure to cold water) is effective for depression. I considered it but did not make plans to join the polar bear club. I wrote up my blog notes for the day and posted them, because I knew I wouldn't feel like it after picking Chris up from the airport and getting back after midnight.
* More rowbyrow pictures *

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