Friday, October 2, 2015

I finally did it!

I surveyed the kitchen before I went to bed so no food or dirty dishes were left out. I was dressing for bed when my phone rang. It was some fast food joint thinking I had ordered food from them. When I said no, he asked if someone had used my phone. Nope. That reminded me of Chris' comment that the phone company sent him an e-mail saying we had gone over our monthly allotment of minutes. Is it possible someone is using my number on their phone?
In the morning, I turned on the laptop and router. I closed the windows and turned on the heat since the inside temp went down to 68. When I got to the kitchen, I saw food and dirty dishes left lying on the counter top. Since this keeps happening, I wondered about my sanity. I exercised while listening to Philosopher's Notes. My tapping buddy called and we did a session. It added a new technique to my toolbox. Then I caught up on my Sudoku for the week while listening to another audio. I juiced, and meditated. I made and ate breakfast. I listened to an audio on breathing techniques. I brought in the mail. I scanned a page of the auto policy for Chris to view. I had found a sheet of transparency in a box two nights ago. I ran it through the printer with the image I wanted to enlarge. It worked like a charm! I tried it on the overhead, and it was fantastic! I wasn't planning on bringing the overhead to Korea, but now... If I knew the lightbulb would be ok, I would ship in in a heartbeat. I used a table saw to trim up a warped cutting mat to the size of the sewing machine box. The table saw was heating it too much, so I stopped and finished the job with a sabre saw. Then I tried to sand the edges with a sanding wheel, but it was in an awkward place so did not work well. I put the mat in the box and as many notions as I could. When the box was packed, I got some tape and paper to seal and label it. Then my phone rang. It was Denise. While we were talking, I shoved some heavy boxes of books over to a corner. My back was not happy about that. After the call, I had salad for lunch. I taped the box, but was not sure I should lift it. I put on my new shoes and went for a walk to make my back feel better. When I got back, Beverly called. Her daughter got me a license plate in New Orleans! I had to plug in my phone to recharge after the call. Then Chris skyped me early, because it was Saturday for him. We had a nice long chat. I posted the mower to Freecycle and it got rejected initially for having too many capital letters in the location, only 20% allowed. ??? So instead of writing SE Huntsville, I had to write out Southeast. I separated stuff into boxes and put them in opposite corners of the basement while listening to the holistic dental health summit. After two presentations, the laptop battery was low. For some reason it would shut down if I closed the lid. And the screen was supposed to shut down after 3 minutes when it ran on battery, but it stayed on the whole time. So I came up to plug in. I listened to another one as I did the weekend Sudoku puzzle and drank copious amounts of water. I posted to my blog, checked the kitchen, and went to bed.

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