Sunday, October 18, 2015

Stuff is on its way out

We got up early just because we were awake. I checked e-mail, and swished. I read e-mail so long that I ended up swishing for an hour. Then I had to rush to get my shower and make breakfast and get dressed. But we left in time to make the choir warm-up. People were glad to see us and I reassured them that we would be back next Sunday. I spoke to Shannon about toys we were getting rid of and she said she'd take them. She also offered to pick up the fabric and deliver it anywhere I'd like. Later she told me she knew someone who could use it. The choir director was uncertain about our anthem “Simple Praise”, but we got through it. I guess it was harvest Sunday because a wide array of vegetables was gathered near the altar. After the service, I helped Art pull loose cash out of the offering plate. He said he'd like to count at 4 this afternoon. We stayed a little late talking to Elaine and her husband. Then we drove home. Sheryl had responded to my earlier e-mail about black out fabric so I wrote that she should come by to get it. We had a bite for lunch. Then Sheryl's husband came to the door and I gave him the black out fabric that she had given me. I looked for donation sites for Goodwill or Salvation Army since Chris' friend was coming over with his truck. But they were not open on Sunday. Finally we figured there was no one there to tell us not to drop stuff off. We tested space bags with pillows and towels, to see if they leaked. Josh came over and we loaded stuff in his truck to go to a donation site. He and Chris took three truck loads to Goodwill. I posted to the quilt list that I had fabric to give away but it had a deadline of 9 am tomorrow. I weeded the main closet downstairs for fabric, wallpaper, and exercise equipment. Then I went to church to count money with Art. Another perfect count:) I also returned the pulpit cloth to the storage shelf. I got home by 5 and put all the stacks of fabric on the ping pong table. Three ladies from Renegades drove up. They went through all the fabric and pulled out what they wanted. That took about an hour. Then Chris came home from taking Josh out to eat. I had a bite to eat from leftovers. I drank a quart of water. I went through the clothes in the closet in the guest room. I pulled out clothing to pack the suitcase. I wondered what I would need for the next two months. I also packed stuff from the bathroom. Chris said to pack for one week and wear it eight times, doing laundry every week. But I don't think it is that simple, not knowing the weather, special events, etc. About 9 I sat down to watch the latest video from The Truth About Cancer (TTAC). They mentioned herbs and mushrooms that help prevent and/or heal cancer and help with the side effects of chemo and radiation for those who go that route. I posted to my blog, in anticipation of going to bed, knowing the bed was covered with clothes and space bags.
* Here is the first load, on its way to be donated *

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