Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The birthday boys (ahem - men)

I woke up in the middle of the night, and tried to go back to sleep. I heard Marie get up. Soon I decided that going to the bathroom might help. That woke up Chris. I went back to sleep. Chris got up early, but I stayed in bed until after the alarm. Then I got up and had breakfast while watching Chris on his laptop. We said goodbye to Michele when she came downstairs and left for work. Then I took a shower,. I read e-mail and exercised to a short video. Then we packed up the car, and said goodbye to Carol. Chris programmed the GPS for Richmond and we headed out. Sadly I had no quilt to work on. So we talked most of the way. We arrived at my dad's house at quarter after noon. I ate an egg, a carrot, some kimchi and some cheese I found in the fridge. I had to cut off the moldy part, but moldy isn't bad for cheese, is it? Chris and Dad got skype on Dad's laptop. I showed him how to use it and made him search for people to add to his contact list, and call Chris and take a call from Chris. Then he showed me a paper and tried to explain what was on it. He had signed up for an annuity and wanted me to read all the paperwork that came with it. I nearly fell asleep. He brought out a booklight that needed new batteries. Chris happened to have a tiny screwdriver on his Leatherman that allowed him to access the battery compartment. We noted the size of the button batteris that it had. Then Faye called to say she was on her way. William came over and Dad had some questions for him. Kevin came over, too. Kurt called to say he was at the restaurant. So Chris and I took Dad in our car. As we pulled away from the house, we could see William clipping weeds by the fence. But he must have moved fast, because by the time we got to the restaurant 5 minutes away, he was ahead of us in his truck. I was amazed. We all trooped into the Chinese buffet. Patrick walked in as Dad paid for everyone. Faye brought in a cake and gave it to the waitress along with a box of candles. Then we left the table to get food. I had some sushi, and lots of seafood things, plus broccoli and mushrooms. I wrote a check which I had forgotten to write earlier. When we had eaten, Faye signaled the waitress and she brought the cake back. She had not added the candles or assembled the staff to sing (which is what happened when we had a party there previously). Faye had cards for each of my brothers. Kurt added the candles and William lit them. Then they blew them out together. We sang Happy Birthday to them. Faye passed out pieces of the cake. Several of the family got ice cream to go with it. When we were done, we dispersed to our various vehicles and went back to the house. I gave Kurt his quilt back. Chris fell asleep on the couch. Kevin went home. Faye and I watched short videos on Youtube related to Firefly. Then she left for work – the night shift at the hospital. Patrick left, too, saying he would be back tomorrow. Kurt and I stayed up talking. Then Dad needed his help to print a form for claiming unclaimed funds. I sat to write up the events of the day as best I could remember them. I plan to post and go to bed, if I can find one.

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