Saturday, July 30, 2016

A great invention

I forgot to mention that when I got home yesterday, I popped open a beer. There was something satisfying about the sound and scent of it, and pouring it into the slug’s bowl.
I slept well last night and woke really early, so I did some mental programming and dozed off again. I got up at 7:30 to sit outside and experience the sun. But first I opened all the bags from Daegu and put the items where they should go. I put on my new dust mop slippers. They were very comfortable and I could dust the baseboards without bending over. I suppose if I had Swiffer slippers, I could dust the rungs of chairs. But could I say “Swiffer slippers” three times fast?
I went outside to sit for 10 minutes in the sun, and then I watered the vegetable beds. I saw that the lettuce in back was almost completely eaten, and something had eaten the leaves off of the sweet potato plant. I turned the router on. I tried several videos on Youtube for Kirtan Kriya meditations, but none were the right length. I cleared the first round of e-mail. My laptop crashed in a way indicative of overheating, then restarted itself. I listened to interviews from the summit while making seed crackers and hummus. I baked the crackers at 280 for an hour instead of 400 for 15 minutes. I made and ate breakfast. I cleaned the kitchen. I walked around the house in my dust mop slippers. I got dressed and went to the commissary with my backpack. I found all the items on my list. I wanted a watermelon, but there was no way I would walk home with that much weight. I put the food away. Swanson’s was running a deal where you get $10 off of a $50+ order, so I submitted three orders. I threw a bag of beef bones in the crockpot to simmer. I read e-mail and added dress designs to my Pinterest board. Then I went outside to fertilize the flowers and vegetables. I tied up most of the ones falling down, but some had just outgrown all the props I had available. I clipped the edges of the lawn in preparation to mow it tomorrow. I rested inside while listening to another interview. Take-away: gut permeability leads to brain permeability. A gluten-free diet can do a lot to solve this. I threw some garlic in with the bones in the slowcooker. Then I read up on changes to aging hair. It’s all about the cuticle and the cuticle depends on proper Ph, which is 4 to 5.5. Apparently the trick is to raise the Ph enough to open the cuticle so the moisturizing solution can get in, then lower the Ph to close the cuticle, thereby keeping the moisture in. I warmed some castor oil and added a little coconut oil to it. I saturated my hair and tied a plastic bag over my head to keep it from getting on anything else. I listened to two of Oprah’s meditations and did some tapping. I was getting sleepy, so I posted to my blog and went to bed.

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