Monday, July 4, 2016

Fourth of July

I slept through the night, only to discover another rainy day. I did not get up until 9, which was a late start. Chris had said on Saturday that he needed to go to the office, but he did not go. Neither did he go on Sunday. I suggested he go today, but that didn’t work. So I ignored him and had a coffee morning. I exercised and rebounded and dry brushed. I meditated and tapped. I cleaned in the kitchen. I ate seed crackers, and read e-mail. I read about the Amish installing solar panels. I did today’s puzzle. I used the Kirby on the livingroom rug. But it choked on Michele hair (the gift that keeps on giving) and the belt melted. Smokin’! I added a set of belts to my Amazon cart. Then I had to think of enough other things to add so I could get free shipping. I tried to order Miracle-gro but they would not ship it here. I also had a Swansons order to finalize. 15% off was apparently the best deal they were going to offer so I took it. Chris got a call from MWR: the fireworks we were going to see at Daegu were canceled. Just grrrreat. Then I made and ate breakfast. I put on my Xero shoes and we walked to the park. My feet got wet, but it was ok in those shoes. We were gone about an hour. The haze on the mountain was descending. I looked up several videos on easy ways to add sleeves to a dress. I cut out a shape I thought would be nice, but when I basted it in, it didn’t do anything for the look. I tried basting lace to the edge, but no. Chris kept saying I looked fine in the dress just the way it was. I thought it made me look fat so I was desperate to add something that would take attention away from my prodigious dimensions. But he felt all my attempts were in vain. As I joke, I picked out a red, white and blue scarf with stars and stripes on it. He liked that:\ I finally decided on a black scarf. Then we watched multiple episodes of BBT. And then it was time for bed.
* the lake in the park *

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