Friday, July 15, 2016

All wrapped up

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. I don’t know why. Chris went to work early. I stayed in bed until 8. I got up to get a quart of water. I found a centipede on the kitchen floor. I hit it several times and then drowned it in the sink to be sure it was dead. I sat on porch looking in the direction of the sun while drinking water. I counted the slugs in the bowl. There were 10. I read e-mail until Myra came over. We hauled FRG stuff out of the shed and priced it. I had bought price stickers but could not find them anywhere. So we used painter’s tape. We cleaned some of the tablecloths with bleach, and threw out those with lots of mildew. Kelly came by to see what we had to sell and make arrangements to take it to the yardsale tomorrow. Myra and I collected it all in one corner of the shed so Kelly could come get it at 7am. Then we took a roll of paper tape to Myra’s house. She taped me up, and Nela came to watch and to work on her own dress. Myra used a hair dryer to speed the drying process. She showed me her formal gown from last year’s ball. Then she cut the tape dress form up the back. She took pics of me wearing it before I took it off. She put it on a hanger and I brought it home. I made and ate breakfast, and read an article on intravenous ALA. I worked today’s puzzle. I watered all the plants. I re-watched the part of the Craftsy class on making dress forms. Then I stuffed the dress form and slapped on more tape to close the back. I looked at videos of lawn edging, then remembered Myra’s suggestion and looked up CD stained glass – it makes a neat project for using up old CD’s. I went outside to edge the flower bed in the side yard. It was easier than I thought. When I came in, I looked for hymns for the hymn sing. Chris came home just as I was finishing going through the hymnal. I wished I had brought my gospel piano book, but I couldn’t find it with the other piano books so I guess it went in storage. It was getting dark, so I went outside to mow the lawn and roll up the rug. I covered the lettuce to protect it from bugs, and put out beer for the slugs. Something seems to be drinking it. I picked some sweet potato leaves and dandelion for salad, then added a yellow pepper, small tomato and a cucumber from the fridge. I ate while reading e-mail. We watched one episode of BBT.
Then Chris had to make a call to the states before we could watch an episode of Bones. While waiting, I made seed crackers. But at 9:30, his call was over yet he was busy composing an e-mail. I pinned several variations of alterations to my peplum top and took pics so I could compare them. He still wasn’t ready, so I told him it was too late and I needed my laptop back to post to my blog and go to bed.

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