Saturday, July 16, 2016

Yard sale and massage

We woke up early. I was expecting to hear Kelly come get the FRG stuff from our shed. But 7am came and went. I heard my alarm go off at 7:30. At 7:40 I checked the shed and called her. She said she was getting breakfast and would be over soon. I started carrying stuff from the shed to the curb. Chris came out to help and Kelly arrived. We loaded her car and she said she had help to unload. So while she went to the Housing center, I read e-mail and started drinking water. Kelly posted a pic on Facebook of the tables and stuff for sale. I decided it was time to go. So I asked Chris for money and walked over. As I walked among the tables, I bought a set of ice cube trays. Then, as I was looking at a modern version of Spirograph, So Young called to ask if I could sign her on base for the yard sale. I said ok. I bought the Spirograph. Then I looked at all the movies that Chaun had for sale. She had the titles printed on flyers. So I took one home for Chris. He was in the shower so I had to wait. Then So Young called to say they were near the gate. When Chris got out, he marked the ones he wanted. Then he got dressed and went to work. I walked quickly to the gate to sign in So Young who had her three kids with her. As we walked to Housing (in the rain), her boys were catching cicadas. Amazing. In Housing, Nela wanted me to sit and talk to her. She was selling dolls and dresses and stuff that she had knitted or crocheted. Really nice stuff. I gave Chaun the list of movies and she picked them out for me. I paid with the cash Chris gave me. I talked to Suzanne about the nut man, and to Anna and to her husband. When So Young was done shopping, I walked her back to the gate and signed her out. I went back to Housing and hung out till it was over and then helped to carry stuff out. There was a lot of stuff left over and most of it went to the chapel for donation. Myra gave me a pair of her husband’s pantsfor Chris. Then I went home to make breakfast. When I finished, it was time to leave. With my umbrella I walked past the Foot Shop to the McDonalds where Mrs. Kim was waiting for me. She took me to a Chinese massage place. I don’t know if we were expected or not, but we both got foot massages. She asked what kind of massage I wanted and I suggested a face massage because of my clenched jaws. I did not realize what that meant. She had to leave and told me I would look beautiful. They put me in a small room (unlike the foot massage which was given in the public area.) I had to take off my top and lay down. She massaged my face, neck and shoulders, using lots of creams. The whole time another woman was watching and I think the first one was explaining the process to her. Then she spread a face mask on me and walked out. Later I heard the sounds of a TV. I don’t know how long I laid there. I had to put my knees up to stretch my back. Chris called to say he was coming home from work and would see me soon. I said “No, you won’t.” Soon she came back and peeled the mask off. Then I heard a tinny man’s voice say “It’s over.” It was her phone. Kind of funny. So I paid 32,000 won and walked home. Chris said my face was kind of pink. It was tight, too. So I boiled water and added essential oils to it. I made a hood from a towel and steamed my face, trying to get off of it whatever she put on it. Chris made supper, so we ate and read e-mail. I searched for gospel songs on the internet, looking for something worth being one of my top three songs. I liked When the Saints go Marching In, which could be great on trombone but my lip is not in shape. I looked up the sheet music online to see if there was a jazzed up version in my preferred range. Then we started watching Mission Impossible: Ghost something, but I didn’t like it because the action was too hard to follow. So Chris put on King Arthur, with Ioan Gryffud and Keira Knightly. That was better, although I covered my eyes during the bloody scenes. It was long, too, so we went to bed late.
* Nela and her beautiful knitted crafts *

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