Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Another sewing day

I heard Chris leave for PT. I tried to go back to sleep, and I would have succeeded but the land line rang. I ignored it, but got up when sleep was not forthcoming. I got dressed and went outside to see the sun, but it was covered with clouds. The recyclables were strewn in the street. I figured the magpies had done it. I put them back in a pile for pickup. I transplanted things from small pots to the hanging baskets that had dead plants. The phone rang again and I answered it but the man was looking for Chris’ office number. Then I got out my new seaweed fertilizer. I mixed it with water and covered all the plants, potted and not. When I went in, Chris was taking a shower. I don’t know how I missed him coming home. His cell phone rang. I told him about it when he got out of the shower. I read e-mail and drank water. I worked today’s puzzle. I finished listening to the interview from yesterday. I started one from the Soul of Healing summit. I heard noises I could not identify. When I went out to check, there was a man on the roof. I assumed he was cleaning the gutters. I did my exercises. I made and ate breakfast. I made up a new batch of supplements so I could order more. But then their site wasn’t working. I finalized and submitted a Jo-anns order. I worked for hours on the trombone music. I analyzed it, I made copies which I cut apart and pasted together. I played pieces of it. But some of it needed transposing. And it was taking far longer than it should, or than it was worth. I went outside to trim the lawn and pick tomatoes and a cucumber. I came in at 6, knowing my time was short for getting to sewing class. I took a shower and got dressed. I just had time to make one more copy of the music and scan a pic that Suzanne gave me. I drove to the chapel and met Myra there. Soon other people came. We stayed in the nursery classroom because the regular one was so cold and the tables were set up in lecture formation. We had a good crowd and the kids played nicely together. I got the binding sewn to the perimeter of the fish quilt. Jadyn and Princess both finished their pillowcases. Myra worked on costumes with the kids. Anna finished a block and Nela worked on her dress. We packed up on time for once. I drove home, but Chris was not there when I got in. I thought maybe Chris was at the movies, but then called his office. He answered. Chris said he would be leaving in the next 10 minutes and was not alone. So I read e-mail until he came home. He was not hungry for supper. He just changed his clothes and we watched two episodes of Castle. I noticed that the spicy smell was gone. He went to bed and I blogged.

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