Monday, July 25, 2016


I got up after 7:30. I sat on the front stoop and swished. But I couldn’t stand doing nothing, so I got up to water the flowers and vegetables. There was a team of Korean guys getting ready to cut and mow and rake. One said hi but I couldn’t answer him without spitting so I smiled and waved. After watering, I went in to boil water for coffee. I exercised, drybrushed, rebounded, and listened to three meditations. i put coconut oil on my hair to moisturize it. I cleaned my bathroom and the kitchen. I made breakfast. Just as I was sitting down to eat, Chris called. He was in a classroom at the FFTC and wanted me to bring his Blackberry charger cord. So I put on better clothes and walked down there, hoping no one would notice my oily hair. I hated to interrupt the training. I slid in the back door as quietly as possible and handed him the cord. I slipped out and checked the Nex for magnesium before walking home again. I used a Magic Eraser to get black streaks off of the wall. I doubt Chris ever noticed they were there and won’t notice they are gone, but I felt much better after they were gone. I read e-mail, and got hooked on Tedx videos. One followed another automatically while I was playing Free Cell. The one on porn addiction mentioned the hit of instant variety with each click. That reminded me of myself, looking at dresses online. Then there was a sudden, hard rainstorm. I left the laptop to work on the peplum top. I cut an inch and a quarter off the back shoulders, then sewed them to the front shoulders. I guess that made up for the fabric I took out at the side seam dart. I had to re-cut the back neckline, and the top of the zipper. Chris came home. He fixed himself supper while I tried basting the seam binding to the neckline. I had to do it twice. I felt like eating supper when I saw Chris eating steak, but I wasn’t hungry. So I did some tapping and skipped it. We watched three episodes of Bones. I asked Chris to help me move the living room rug because the edge did not line up with the floor boards. He smiled indulgently bur really, it was so much better when all the lines were parallel. Chris went to bed and read for a little while. I stayed up to blog and come up with a picture to go with it.

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