Sunday, July 17, 2016

Online offers

Chris woke me up early. He reeked of something spicy and I could not face him. (I am the one that eats the kimchi so go figure.) Chris went to church late. I got up to drink a quart of water and read e-mail. I stopped to take a shower and get dressed. I dusted some of the baseboards and filled 2 water containers. I printed out the list of hymns I had come up with and a list of nuts I wanted to buy from the nut vendor. Chris was late coming home from church, so I stood outside with the keys and he met me at the car. The chaplain was gone for the weekend, so one of the elders gave a talk on tools. He used lots of analogies to describe us as God’s faulty tools. After the service I gave the list of hymns to the pianist. She indicated which ones she liked best. I agreed to get her the music for When the Saints Go Marching In. Chris arrived and we walked to the commissary for groceries. When we brought them home, we saw dog poop on the front lawn and someone out looking for their dog. I changed clothes while Chris put away the food. I made and ate breakfast. I replaced the vacuum cleaner belt, which means no more excuses for not sweeping. I sent Suzanne the list of nuts since she wasn’t in church. I was making a order for cacao nibs and they had announced free shipping over $59. So I asked Linda if she wanted anything. She gave me a list of three things which I added. I counted drowned slugs in the beer bowl and found 16. I watered all the plants including the lettuce. There was a moth under the tulle that covered the lettuce so I am guessing it has been eating my plants. I added to my order to I looked into sheet music for When the Saints go Marching In. I listened to several arrangements on Youtube. I bought the trombone part to one of them. Chris made himself supper but did not use the curry powder. We hoped that would make him smell better. I worked on a Swansons list, but when I tried to check out the website would not give me the terms of the current offer. I sent them an e-mail, resigned to the probablility that the offer will expire before anyone in their office comes in to read the e-mail. I tried to check out on but the site would not invoke the free shipping offer. I sent them an e-mail. Chris asked if he smelled any better. It was the same smell, but much reduced from this morning. We watched one episode of Bones. I got a reply from saying their offer was not good for FPO/APO addresses. Faced with a $52 shipping charge, I played with the order to see how much of it was due to Linda’s order. But even without it, they wanted $52. But now the items would be cheaper from Amazon which does give free shipping. So I wrote to Linda to see what she wanted me to do. Then I posted to my blog and went to bed.
* This is me and mini-me *

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